I find that I'm much more prone to, be it TV or comics, get crankier about qualitative stuff regarding deaths than quantitative. Thus the mild displeasure about how AtS handled the girl deaths. They tended to die as victims, and that sits a little ill.
Buffy 4: Grr. Arrgh.
This is where we talk about Buffy the Vampire Slayer! No spoilers though?if you post one by accident, an admin will delete it. This thread is NO LONGER NAFDA. Please don't discuss current Angel events here.
Wasn't Lilah in the credits at one point?
I don't believe so. I don't think they ever put a villain in the credits. In either show, actually. And Lilah was always evil, even when sympathetically so.
I don't believe so. I don't think they ever put a villain in the credits. In either show, actually. And Lilah was always evil, even when sympathetically so.
Harmony. Who was always evil, even when sympathetically so.
Harmony. Who was always evil, even when sympathetically so.Point. And, had Buffy ended at Season 5, I don't think you could make a point against using these same words for Spike.
Remove evil, then, and replace back with "villain." Because, well, Harmony wasn't a villain on Angel. As, in my opinion, villain means "evil and not sympathetically so."
Huh. Ok.
And I'm very much with Plei (although having multiple types of data is good).
Because, well, Harmony wasn't a villain on Angel. As, in my opinion, villain means "evil and not sympathetically so."
Well, she did kind of pull a Judas on them all there at the end.
As, in my opinion, villain means "evil and not sympathetically so."
Does sympathy mean you want them to win, or that you feel with them? I felt with Faith when she was a villain, and I kinda felt with the Mayor. I didn't want them to win, exactly, because end of the world and peril to Oz, but still.
Maybe I mean simply that they (villains) actively oppose the protagonist. Harmony was too flighty to actively oppose Angel, and mostly she helped him along. I mean, sure, betrayal, but Evil Cordy was in there as well, and I don't think that her brief turn as villain makes Cordy in my mind a villain. Or Willow. Or Angel (and his was scary).
Now that I look at it, I have a pretty narrow definition of villain for a show this complex, with so many good guys turning bad and so many bad guys turning good. I mean, I wouldn't see Faith as a villain, even when she was for more episodes than she wasn't. But the Mayor obviously was a villain, even in his beautiful father-figureness.
I still stand by "Lilah pure villain in Angel. Nobody regular who I have that simple opinion of. Uggh I cave-man."
Aww, a friend of mine is watching Xander save the world with love. I lurve that bit so much, and she's all crying and stuff.
t /sappy