I think you and Allyson are the only people I can remember being bothered by that part
Nah, they're not. I thought it was petty and unamusing. Sure, you can take a day off from saving the world, but I much prefer her other stupid past times (like Spike's dick).
Wrecked? I don't find it powerful. Of course YPowerfulMV. Doublemeat Palace, As You Were, and a few others come to mind, too.
Oh I don't care for Wrecked, or Gone, or DMP (I liked AYW) but every season has a few clunkers. For me seasaon 6 is tied with Season 3 in terms of a positive Great to Clunkers ratio.
The operative words being "for me" of course.
eta (my parenthetical heh was to ita's parenthetical)
Oh I don't care for Wrecked, or Gone, or DMP (I liked AYW) but every season has a few clunkers. For me seasaon 6 is tied with Season 3 in terms of a positive Great to Clunkers ratio.
Yes, me too. I started out by saying how much I liked the season. I was another of the few who cared for AYW. I just don't find it powerful, and am not slathering over the prospect of rewatching it, despite the fact that I found it good/interesting/important the first (few) times around.
I may wait awhile to rewatch S6. I finally rewatched S2, despite having the DVDs for a year or more, along with a Buffy-neophyte and found myself enjoying it muchly. I didn't particularly care for the Romeo/Juliet doomed romance crap going on, but I still liked episodes such as "Passion." And "Becoming I/II" is still one of the best finales out there. Strips Buffy to the bone emotionally and shows us the best and worst of her. Plus, classic Spike and Dru. Makes it all worth while. My friend watching really fell for Spike and kept asking me how he and Buffy ever got together (she's caught a few reruns on FX, and she knows I read Spuffy online.) Told her she's just going to have to watch and see.
Plus, classic Spike and Dru.
I find Spike not particularly interesting until after he was crippled in What's My Line 2. Before that he seems to me a fairly typical bad guy. But once he is replaced as the Big Bad by Angel he starts to develop the depths that will make him one of my favorite Buffyverse characters in S5-7 and A5.
It seemed pretty transparent to me. She was acting up and acting out, because her life sucked. Her father ignored her. She'd just found out she wasn't real. Her mother died. The only person who seemed to really love her died, and then was dragged out of heaven, and was a depressed crank who was ignoring her and babying her.
Did you all notice that klepto!dawn it was first presented in Intervention (still my almost favorite ep)? I still remember thinking Dawn Stealing the Earrings would be Very Important, and then eventually giving up. Of course, I still feel a bit like the Love, Give, Forgive was dropped a bit, although I guess that is what happened at the end of Chosen.
Also, in rewatching Intervention for the 50 millioneth time, I am so surprised at myself at the shock WRT to Buffy's death in the Gift. I mean, the first slayer out and out says "Death is your Gift." and "Love will lead you to your gift" and yet I was never so sure of anything as I was of Buffy not dying.
Just watched about half of the season 7 episode where Willow comes back from England.
I love the scene where Willow is talking to Spike in the basement of the high school and then it shows the same conversation with Spike speaking to Buffy and Xander.
I love the scene where Willow is talking to Spike in the basement of the high school and then it shows the same conversation with Spike speaking to Buffy and Xander.
Me too. That was pretty sweet.
I watched Gone this morning and noticed a silly detail I had missed before. As the tiny kings are preparing to test the invisibility ray, Warren says something about Jonathan having scouted the site enough before. I had noticed that the shop next to them was a Spa, but just this morning I noticed the "Bikini Wax Wednesdays" on the window. And yes, we know it was Wednesday due to the conversation with the social worker in the scene prior.