Ahh.. that explains the name tag you're wearing.
The backwards writing confuses everyone at first.
This is where we talk about Buffy the Vampire Slayer! No spoilers though?if you post one by accident, an admin will delete it. This thread is NO LONGER NAFDA. Please don't discuss current Angel events here.
Ahh.. that explains the name tag you're wearing.
The backwards writing confuses everyone at first.
I am a Tag Dropper. I came out of the closet on this years ago.
And I am your queen. (Forty lines of dropped t /u on the bottom of the infamous Amber Benson delurk and I've still gots the crown!)
Doesn't mean I don't appreciate outstanding work from others :)
where's superscrammie when you need her?
I'm not reading the Wpost article yet, but the goofy picture of Whedon and firstish vamps is funny.
I'm not a superspoilerphobe, I just prefer to have no idea of what will happen or I spend a lot of time going "whensit gonna happen? Now? Or....now? Or..." and that tends to make miss any nuances.
I spend a lot of time going "whensit gonna happen? Now? Or....now? Or..."
I did that with Xander's eye-gouge. I knew he was losing an eye, but I didn't know how, just that it happened in "Dirty Girls," so I spent the whole episode all tense every time he was onscreen.
This is why the Spoiler Baby Jesus loves me. It is not for nothing I remain so very very pure.
The Washington Post article has a big casting spoiler near the end.
It's sooo quiet here today.
I bet the sinners are all over in Atlantic Canadians. Sinning.
I bet the sinners are all over in Atlantic Canadians. Sinning.
We aren't sinning. We've been given a day's grace.
Which reminds me, this weekend I was in a town called Paradise. There was a restaurant there called the Garden of Eatin'.
Me hates the Atlantic Canadians. Me hates them. They have my preciousssssssss "Buffy" finale.