I really liked season six.
As do many, myself included. Among general fandom S6 is a lowpoint. Among discriminating hardcore fans S5 is the least liked. Or that's just my opinion, then I backed it with imaginary fan support while stenciling "discriminating" on my forehead.
Among discriminating hardcore fans S5 is the least liked.
Now knows how Hec has me cross-ref'd in his files...
I'm testing out a new website that has 100 MB free web space.
I've uploaded my original "chosen" screencaps to try it out. If this works, I may be able to keep more caps online at a time and reference them from my main website.
I think they look dark. And orange. It could be my monitor.
ION? I may have found a way to screencap again. Especially since I'm less insane from the uncontrolled diabetes thing.
Oh, and here they are.
As do many, myself included. Among general fandom S6 is a lowpoint. Among discriminating hardcore fans S5 is the least liked. Or that's just my opinion, then I backed it with imaginary fan support while stenciling "discriminating" on my forehead.
Even in light of Season 7, in its fullness? I'm certainly hardcore. I can approximate discriminating.
I know I'm a heretic putting season one so low, but I do. WTTH/TH and PG made it all worth it, though.
Even in light of Season 7, in its fullness? I'm certainly hardcore. I can approximate discriminating.
S7 was more of a let-down, but S5 was worse.
In the end—arcs and dropped threads (of both seasons) aside—I found season 5 more entertaining to watch—more enjoyable. That said, I do think they suffered from the same sort of arc mismanagement, but in season 7, the characters were somehow lesser to me. I haven't yet watched season 7 again. That's unusual for me. Usually after season bows, I rewatch it all over the summer, and then assorted episodes again, thereafter. I like the overall story told in both seasons. I think the plot development was poor in both seasons.
I still felt like I was watching my characters in season 5. Within season five, I'll thumbs up episodes 1 through 7, 10 through 19, and 22 (I think that's 18 out of the 22). Within season seven, I can thumbs up 1 through 5, 7, 15 through 17, 19, 22 (I think that's 11 out of 22).
All in all, I'd take
The Replacement, Fool for Love, Checkpoint, Crush, I Was Made to Love You, The Body, Forever, Intervention, Intervention, Intervention,
The Gift,
over pretty much everything in season 7, except
Beneath You,
Conversations with Dead People.
In retrospect, if Fool for Love had never freaking happened, I think Fandom would have been a much better place.
Fandom ruined that for me in a way that it never ruined Seeing Red.
How (I feel like I should know, and have been told this before, but I can't remember it for the life of me), Plei?
How (I feel like I should know, and have been told this before, but I can't remember it for the life of me), Plei?
Turning point for a lot of people from Spike fans to Spike Woobification Apologists.
I really like Season 5. I think it's probably my favorite.
Guess I'm not hardcore. Don't really care, honestly. If it's going to ruin my love for Season 5, I don't want to be.
To be fair, it WAS the first season I watched. But I recently watched it again (third time maybe. It may not seem like much, but, to be fair, I watched my first episode of Buffy ever about 18 months ago.) and still loved it all the way through.