It's very apparent how disgusted Buffy is with herself, but she's still sort of clinging to the lie that she's the hero. She was probably going to stab him if that hadn't worked.
I loved the ambiguity of her non-response. It emphasized her conversation with Giles in "Lies My Parents Told Me" when she told Giles she could make a hard decision and made you realize she really might sacrifice Dawn if she had to fight Glory again. It also punched up the fact that the conversation with Giles was totally pointless from Buffy's point of view, leading both her and the viewer to realize that Giles really had nothing left to teach her. I loved it when she actually told Giles that (for Pod!Giles had so supremely pissed me off) at the end of the episode. But, part of the package of being the Slayer is maintaining that facade of "we will prevail." So Buffy did lie to everyone for most of the season, because that was what they wanted to hear. It's what they expected of her. Just as she expected it from Giles in season 2 in "Lie to Me," but didn't believe it because she knew not to believe it. Unfortunately, nobody in season 7 except Buffy really seemed to understand that, not even Giles anymore.
So Buffy did lie to everyone for most of the season, because that was what they wanted to hear. It's what they expected of her. Just as she expected it from Giles in season 2 in "Lie to Me," but didn't believe it because she knew not to believe it. Unfortunately, nobody in season 7 except Buffy really seemed to understand that, not even Giles anymore.
It would have been interesting if they had thrown this idea into the fight in "Empty Places."
Yes, yes, yes! That's why "Empty Places" pissed me off so much. I was ready to take an Uzi to the entire Scooby gang, even Dawn. It was a worse breach of faith than them pulling her out of Heaven in S6.
If Buffy didn't want them to treat her like the Lord High Savior, she probably would've been well-served to say something to that effect at some point, rather than issuing smackdowns every time anyone else popped their head up. I mean, I sympathize with the situation she was in, and I know her intentions were good, but by the time we hit Empty Places I was convinced that had I been in the place of any of the other folks on the show I'd've stopped listening to her weeks before.
I mean, I was angry with her. Furious with the way she was behaving. And Buffy was my girl, I'd loved her best for years.
and it didn't become clear until pretty late that S7 would be the last.
not true, actually. Joss always said that buffy would have a 7 season arc.
X-post from Angel thread
I just saw this info on the Headline News ticker. I found the article on ScifiWire:
Buffy/Angel TV Film Possible?
The WB has approached Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Angel creator Joss Whedon about doing at least a movie-of-the-week or two?and possibly as many as six?next season, thanks in large part to a fan campaign organized by Saving Angel, E! Online's Watch With Kristin column reported. But the columnist added that, despite Herculean efforts by fans to save the canceled vampire show, Angel won't be coming back as a regular series, either on the frog network or on UPN or Fox, which have both passed.
"I think a Buffy movie is more likely to happen now," Angel cast member James Marsters (Spike) told the columnist. "And they may be given better budgets, seeing this kind of interest, because there's a feeling that there's a guaranteed audience. So the effort that I've seen, it is not in vain."
Meanwhile, E! Online reported that The WB executives have decided to review an episode of Fox's canceled fantasy series Wonderfalls along with its pilots, which means it is in the running for a fall-season pickup.
Interesting news if it pans out. I guess you just can't ignore this fandom. </Alex Forrest>
Oh my God, "Life Serial" is the longest episode ever. It lasts like fourteen hours. Was all of Season Six really this boring? Wow. Maybe I was in a better mood.
Life Serial sucks. But I won't hear bad things about Season 6 cause it gave me Buffy, and changed my life.
Hey! No dissing the Mummy Hand.
Bah. I love "Life Serial," in all its camp, giddy glory.
Mummy hand!
Kitten poker!
Magic bone!
Good times, good times.