is it over? can I turn off the tape and go to bed?
'Same Time, Same Place'
Buffy 4: Grr. Arrgh.
This is where we talk about Buffy the Vampire Slayer! No spoilers though?if you post one by accident, an admin will delete it. This thread is NO LONGER NAFDA. Please don't discuss current Angel events here.
no not yet, still going with DB talking about Angel and hockey.
What is up with that hat?
As consistant as Joss Whedon has been with television programming, ME actors have been with bad hats.
DB has a wants to put nails in the Stanley cup. Still the best DB interview ever.
Still the best DB interview ever.
Damning with faint praise?
Yeah pretty much, I found him to be pretty entertaining this time around. He is pretty passionate about hockey and it is good to hear him be that way. Usually it is all chickens and frat jokes. This one was good. Hardware stores and Hockey.
BTW Trudy it is over, sleepy time now.
Nice Wiggum quote. Never can go wrong with one of those especially one about punctuation.
Sleepy time indeed. I think I just channeled Rio.
Nice Wiggum quoteI only wish I could fit the entire thing:
"Heh. Hijinks. Funny word. 3 dotted letters in a row."
"Is it hyphenated?"
"It used to be. Back in the bad old days y'know. Of course, every generation hyphenates the way it wants to. Then there's 'in-synch'. Hunh. What the hell is that? Jump in anytime Eddie -- these are good topics."
Another goodbye Buffy banner on TWOP. Made me all sniffly.