For me it would have been disappointing if Buffy had ended the series in a relationship with anyone.
I don't see a required "it should have been this way all along!" or "finally!" in the idea of X and B ending up together, whether or not he's still a Jossian avatar. Plenty of other tones to give it.
Except Buffy needed to be single and new.
It's an axe, dammit!
Actually almost more like a
glaive here.
For me it would have been disappointing if Buffy had ended the series in a relationship with anyone.
That was my opinion in the spoiler thread that year. "Just don't define Buffy by a boyfriend choice." And I'm fine with where they went. I'm mostly just lamenting the lack of any meaty Xander storylines after S4.
Retroactively, I've come around to resent Spike more now than when the show was on. I would've liked more Xander and Giles time. But then again, they wasted Giles in S4 as it was.
I would've liked more Xander and Giles time
I think Spike may have cost Xander time, but not Giles. They fucked him over just 'puz.
And at least they had an
for Spike, even though I felt it got awful boring after a while. They didn't even bother to try and fail with Xander, once the wedding fell through.
All the word in the world to Ple on the B/X thing.
Plus, my added issue with it is that sometimes there's like an expectation that if the girl doesn't end up with the nice friend guy, she is self destructive or doesn't really want to be happy, etc. Even if Xander was "right" for Buffy, which I don't think that he was, she wasn't necessarily obligated to like him.
David -- was that mystical writing on that glaive?
Ooh man. More than one of those screencaps seriously got me allergic.
I am such a fan of
It made me love Willow after a season of not giving a crap about her that followed up three seasons of kinda straight up disliking her. It made cheer on and looove potentials that I had been wanting to violenty shove off the screen for several months. It made me have *some* love for Anya - who I appreciated as comic relief, but never really had any serious feelings for. And it resolved S/B and A/B in a way I hadn't thought of but was completely cool with - which I didn't think was possible. And funny. And heartbreaking.
And the potential power-up scene? I get chills just thinking about still. Good job, Joss.
Those screencaps are great. *sniffle* Good times...
Retroactively, I've come around to resent Spike more now than when the show was on. I would've liked more Xander and Giles time. But then again, they wasted Giles in S4 as it was.
I really resented the lack of Giles and Xander in S7. For me it wasn't a Spike issue. It had more to do with all that time they spent on all.those.damn.potentials. It was disappointing that they spent so much time on them instead the characters I had grown to love over the years.
I also wanted more closure (not the right word) but I wanted more from the Buffy/Giles relationship. At the end Buffy and Giles seemed so distant. Kinda bummed me out.