Was anybody else really pissed that The Gift previously was nowhere to be found?
Isn't this Previously played during the intro for each DVD? I'm not positive, but it looks like the same montage.
Anyone feel like sharing "weirdest moment where I identified with a character on Buffy?"
OMWF - "I touch the fire and it freezes me..."
Giles in "The Harvest": "The Earth is doomed."
Such a lovely "This is what I've got to work with? God help me." moment. Even nicer knowing it's only the beginning of a wonderful thing.
Anyone feel like sharing "weirdest moment where I identified with a character on Buffy?"
Anya, many times. Can't think of a specific one right now.
I forget which episode it was, but the one where Buffy walks home from the Doublemeat Palace, bringing Dawn the hamburger and Dawn doesn't want it. It was the way SMG carried herself, like she had totally disengaged from life.
Also, during her line "Whistle while you work/ So hard all day/ To be like other girls/ To fit in in this glittering world."
But I really identified with Buffy throughout almost the entire run of the show.
"Going through the motions...walking through the part"
I miss the previouslies on the DVDs, though. Was anybody else really pissed that The Gift previously was nowhere to be found?
I couldn't believe it. I thought for sure it had to be on the discs somewhere. I do have it on tape (obviously) but tapes wear out, or get misplaced (buried) much easier than DVDs.
I think it took me 4 hours to break that promo down. The hardest one to get was probably the shot from "Teacher's Pet", because I hadn't seen that episode and the clip (of the Mantis Lady) was so dark that you could basically see just the glowing eyes. Since the shots came pretty close in order of the episode airings, I was able to guess correctly.
Isn't this Previously played during the intro for each DVD? I'm not positive, but it looks like the same montage.
No, but they use the same music and the style is the same. The clips are all from season 5, though. Also, the featurette on the season has the same crescendoing music, which just makes the absence of the actual clip that much more difficult to understand. It's not like these collections are loaded down with extras - they could have spared the 35 seconds.
My big "overidentify much?" moment was with Willow as reliable-dog-geyser-person. I'm a dependable, somewhat anal-retentive guy who always seems to befriend the mercurial flakey type people, and I get worn down by the effort sometimes.
I'm a dependable, somewhat anal-retentive guy who always seems to befriend the mercurial flakey type people, and I get worn down by the effort sometimes.
Yes. This. (and NO, Aimee, I do not mean you.)
Well I wouldn't have thought it had you not pointed me out.
Embarrassing identification moment: Tara thinking she's so clever with the Insect Reflection joke, and then nobody else getting it.
Also on separating the two Xanders and doing experiments (and Anya's first impulse of what to do with the two Xanders).