Yet another instance of vampires apparently having the consistency of tapioca pudding when someone tries to stake 'em. Now, I've seen Buffy bend a rifle barrel, so no objections to her impaling people on a sharpened object with casual exertion. But Cordelia?
If I ruled the world, all the directors of both shows would have been required to take a stake to a slaughterhouse and see how easy it is to ram it about six inches deep into a side of beef.
But Cordelia?
Pretty sure she managed with a spatula, didn't she? Or was that just threatened?
She did. Which kind of underscores my point. If there had been a Season 8, we might have seen Dawn dust a vampire by throwing a clothespin in the general vicinity of its chest.
Well, considering how much attention they tended to pay to the actual position of the human heart, I'm surprised we didn't see Vamps dusted because they got a splinter in their finger.
Hey, would've worked for Pylean vampires.
Or their butt cheek.
That only works for vamped Pyleans.
Hee. I was waiting to see how long it would take for someone to say that.
Actually, during
Wrecked, I really thought that Spike would have been impaled on wood.
I mean, it couldn't only happen to Buffy.
t runs away.