Delurking to say; Jesse Jesse Jesse and the lack of mourning or anything.
Wouldn't that have made a good callback in
Xander walks through the school for the final confrontation, stops at a locker with Jesse's name scratched in it. Pauses for a second, puts his finger on it, then head's on to the battle.
That would've been great, Hec.
I badly wanted the First to be Jesse for Xander in CwDP, in retrospect. Back to the beginning, and all.
That would've been great, Hec.
Yeah, except - duh - the whole school had been rebuilt. But some other such moment would've been nice.
I badly wanted the First to be Jesse for Xander in CwDP, in retrospect. Back to the beginning, and all.
Oh, heck yeah.
There was some good fic about that, IIRC. I've pretty well added it to my Personal Canon.
Does anyone know if there was a reason for NB not being available for the episode? Because I think that a confrontation with FE!Jesse would have been wonderful.
Elena, I'm inclined to think that they decided they only had time for five storylines, and poor Xander got the shaft. (Again.)
Well, that just sucks. Because it would have been great.
Yeah, Nick said at a con I was at that he got the script and read it and that's when he found out he wasn't in the episode.
That seems pretty harsh.
(edit) Especially when he might have been better served in CwCP than in, say, First Date... Or, really, almost every season 7 ep.