There's another seller who's got some Buffy memorabilia up, including a rather nice necklace worn by Willow. (I'm bidding on that--sterling silver w/ jade.) The used makeup they're selling, however... bleah.
Buffy 4: Grr. Arrgh.
This is where we talk about Buffy the Vampire Slayer! No spoilers though?if you post one by accident, an admin will delete it. This thread is NO LONGER NAFDA. Please don't discuss current Angel events here.
I thought when they did the spell that caused Andrew to speak for captured!bringer, that this was pretty clear. He called himself a drone and I immediately thought hivemind (because - you know, bees) and pretty much everything he said was in the first person, plural. Am I the only one who was okay with that?
There's a crucial flaw in this: whereas the Bringers seem to manage a busy work schedule of knifing teenage girls, drones just aren't that energetic. Their whole lives basically consist of lounging around the hive and getting pampered. (The workers, very sensibly to my mind, ensure the drones are the first bees jettisoned when food is scarce.)
Oh, and on one day out of their entire lives they get a chance to shtup royalty. But even this isn't all it's cracked up to be. First, the queen maintains a brisk schedule, and the only time she allows for loving is when she's en route to start a new nest. So, y'know, forget about savouring the moment. Then, there may be about 25,000 drones all competing for her attentions, and she won't have time for more than 20 to get any of her honey. (Er, so to speak.) So this whole 'boink the queen' lottery doesn't offer great odds. And finally (and really, this is understandable when you consider how long they've been waiting, and how lucky they are to find themselves in this position), the successful drones tend to get a bit overwhelmed by the occasion, so they generally lack for self-control. Their genitalia explode and remain jammed inside said queen, while the drone promptly dies (presumably of embarrassment).
So you can think of the Bringers as drones if you like, but for myself, I'm going to be doing my damndest to avoid the disturbing mental pictures that come with it.
I like the idea of "Previously on Buffy the Vampire Slayer: EVERYTHING."
Snerk. May I tag, in honor of the finale?
The used makeup they're selling, however... bleah.
Okay, ew.
Snerk. May I tag, in honor of the finale?
Sure. (Yay!)
The Punk!Spike outfit from Fool For Love is also up.
Okay, I'd want that more than Vamp!Willow. Not enough to, say, buy and wear, but there you go.
I am tearing up because they are selling these things that seem like eventually they should be in the Smithsonian with Archie Bunker's chair!
Also, I bet that is the letterman jacket from Him, which is only nominally Spike's, since they speak of the punk outfit from FFL as from "pisode 17, Season 7 of the television show "Buffy The Vampire Slayer"
I am tearing up because they are selling these things that seem like eventually they should be in the Smithsonian with Archie Bunker's chair!
I don't think they're selling off the really good stuff--Buffy's Claddagh ring, Spike's duster, Giles's glasses, etc. Are they? Also, I can't really think of anything object on the show that has the strong character associations that Archie's chair or Mr. Roger's cardigan have. The three I listed are the ones that come closest, IMO.
I think that the writing is the true treasure of the show.
Dawson's Creek is unloading a bunch of stuff as well, I didn't take a look at what people are paying but it looks like they are selling as many props as Buffy.
Also you can get Survivor props.
They are selling Sweet's Suits! Now those should go to a costume rental place or something-- they can be used again!