Jon--can you see the original in the comic book? And does it match the one on screen?
Yes, and yes. Someone (maybe Mejia?) linked to a side-by-side image he worked up. I'll see if I can find the link...
t edit Right - it was Daniel.
This is where we talk about Buffy the Vampire Slayer! No spoilers though?if you post one by accident, an admin will delete it. This thread is NO LONGER NAFDA. Please don't discuss current Angel events here.
Jon--can you see the original in the comic book? And does it match the one on screen?
Yes, and yes. Someone (maybe Mejia?) linked to a side-by-side image he worked up. I'll see if I can find the link...
t edit Right - it was Daniel.
I couldn't find the side-by-side, but here's the Fray axe.
Then she was talking about the original in the comic. She said it was designed to be a lot of weapons-- I assumed it was the Art Department. My Bad. However she did say something funny. When they saw the shiny scythe one of the writers said "so it's made of some ancient metal?" and another said "Yeah, like aluminum."
The curved blade part of it is sort of a mini-scythe (sickle?) - kinda, sorta. Ah, hell. I don't care.
"Yeah, like aluminum."
Hee! It's funny 'cause it's true!
t edit Though you'd think that there would exist some sort of insti-tarnish and that they would have used a bucket of it.
No, cause it's magic and it repels all ickiness, like dirt and blood (and possibly the black stuff dripping from Caleb's eyes)
No! These people are heathens.
I'm not even thinking about the Grr. Arrgh. guy. The previouslies alone are going to kill me.
I'm still wishing that whoever suggested they just put up a title card saying "Too late now, suckers!" would be right. Alas, probably not.
Do they call it an axe in the comic? or a scythe? Or nothing in particular. Because if Joss is calling it an axe, and these writers a scythe, that is pretty weird.
I like the idea of "Previously on Buffy the Vampire Slayer: EVERYTHING."