That's a very bittersweet thing from Joss, I think.
disappointed in Xander's reaction to Anya's death.
Oh, yeah. I wanted them to have a moment. I wanted the goodbye. I wanted the emotion. But I console myself with the crying he's going to do on the bus, when everyone else is asleep.
Party in eye socket was the first bit of The Real Xander I had seen in many moons, and adored the brief holding of hands in the hallway. Spoke volumes. Show!Don'tTell moment if there ever was one.
It was beautiful.
Did everyone read the 10 questions asked to Joss? Because he regrets not having more Pack!Xander or Vamp!Xander because NB does it so well. And, really, I have to agree. Bad Xander is so damn good.
Ooooh, Susan, I like that. Nice.
Finally reading interviews I had been avoiding in case of spoilage.
Noxon says that the end of Buffy has been gradually sinking in. "A couple of days ago I drove on the lot, and I saw Joss just wandering the parking lot. And I asked 'what are you doing?' and he said 'I don't know,' " she says.
"He said 'It's all gone, Marti,' and we looked in one of the buildings and sure enough all of the sets were gone. And that really hit hard, that Sunnydale High is no more. It's in boxes and crates somewhere."
This image just breaks my heart. Poor little lost Joss.
Whedon: I had dinner with the writers the other night, and we listed the title of every single show, which was hard. Just the weight of the thing, the bulk of the thing -- every single one of those episodes had a message and a meaning and a very specific purpose. It wasn't always completely realized; it wasn't always as tight as it could have been. But the fact that 144 times we sat down and broke our backs to make a story worth telling is something that makes me feel enormously proud.
You should feel proud, Joss. Damn, where are my kleenex?
Schmoopy of me, but I'm picturing Joyce and Spike enjoying a nice mug of hot chocolate with marshmallows in a heaven dimension somewhere. With Tara, too.
With Weetabix for texture.
disappointed in Xander's reaction to Anya's death.
t nit
His leaving was too perfunctory. Too easy. He swung his head around and followed the others out. No matter the danger, I like to think he would have searched. A little. Giles went back in for Buffy.
t /pick
Anya will never have fruit punch again.
Hec! This is beyond mere allergies!
And I was stupid and forgetful to leave Anya out of my heaven scenario. She's there with them. With a big glass of fruit punch.
Hec, you BASTARD. I'm at work, stop it.
Hec! This is beyond mere allergies!
I know. This is why she had to die such a meaty, mortal death though. A very subtle tie in to "The Body" along with all her obvious riffs on mortality. Her death made the hair on my arms stand up.
As somebody noted upthead (Amber, I think), Willow turning white was my crypoint. Her story is the most meaningful to me in the 7 season path, and she's been given as much development as Buffy as a character.
Amanda, had such a great, fierce battle face. That always thrilled me - way more than the other slay-ettes. Except...Vi! Totally. Kicked. Ass. Wow, that was exciting.
Kept thinking of ita when they were tossing the axe around.
Most moved by Xander's hand squeeze to Buffy.
Most laughing, during the beautifully written and played Faith/Wood scene. God, that was good. Okay, petulent Angel was good too. Also Dawn kicking Buffy's shin. "Ow."
Hmmm, I think Jane is actually funnier than Joss on a line by line snappy basis. But nobody writes in-character-funny-with-twists like Joss. Nobody in television. Not many people in the history of writing for actors period.