Kate - moving from Swampscott to Western MA?
Damn, this must be a trend. My best friend moved from Lynn (but literally, she lived a few yards from the Swampcott line)
(sorry to be taking up the thread with Natter!) I live really close to the Lynn line, actually. I'm moving out to the Noho area because 1) pretty! and 2) lots of my good friends live out there. And I wasn't about to stay in Eastern Mass., unless I could have gotten a place in Boston, and I'm SO not a city person.
Um, if I weren't so frelling busy (what with the moving, graduating, grandparents/friends visiting, etc.), I'd suggest that we should meet up. Hmm. Now that I think about it, I do have next Tuesday night free...
t sobbing again!
Loved Giles catching injured Principal Hottie. Mmmm.
Loved Giles catching injured Principal Hottie. Mmmm.
Poor Giles. He misses Anya so very much...
Is it just me or did Spike's blood activate the amulet?
It looks to me like he got stabbed, touched the wound and then clutched the amulet.
West Coaster here preparing to Watch And Post, if I can manage it.
Tears on my keyboard, pain in my heart...'cause of you...
But so happy he got to save the world and knock down the Welcome to Sunnydale sign one more time.
Didn't make the connection-should have. Thanks for jogging my so-called mind.
ted - except for that one episode this season, you (and UTTAD) are my Buffy brother(s). I *know* you loved this ending. (right?)
You know correctly Cindy. We were all talking about having to lose a Slayer to balance the scales-how clever of Joss to do the opposite and add bunches of new slayers to tip them (for now-the reference to the other Hellmouth, besides the nice continuity with The Wish, reminds us that evil will always be with us, and all victories are partial).
Whoops, the hefty gal I thought was climbing out a wheelchair was actually the one blocking the punch.
Ken, here's the point, meet the MA people. They are fun and nice. Although, if I may suggest, don't drink too much on your first visit. They are lovely folks though.
still wish more poeple had died.
Did any other Kennedy-haters like her in this episode? I did. Obviously Joss is as a god -- previous episodes saw me rooting for K to get killed even when I was rewatching a show and knew she was going to survive it. Now I'm actually happy she survived to be with Willow.