When they showed Anya laying there dead and Xander frantically trying to find her...that got me.
On the funny half, Spike and Angel's bitterness toward each other, especially Angel muttering about how he had a soul before it was the cool thing to do.
The more I think about it the better I feel about it. Only thing that bugs me is the Wood fakeout(s). He's only human, folks. A hero's death, giving Faith something to think about, would have been fine with me.
But weren't he and Giles terrific? Where the hell was Giles all these months, cause whoever was standing there in front of us 'twasn't him. Oh well, like Teppy said last week, we're just not going to get closure on that one. But I almost forgive them for giving such good Giles at the end.
The spinoff possibilities are as endless as the road they're on, aren't they?
And then my four babies squared off alone, together in the hall, and I lost it.
Me too! Me too!
I love Restless.
It's probably top of my Buffy pops.
It's all about what's to come.
But Chosen?
Chosen is all about where we have been
The continuity nods were amazing.
The shout outs to just about everything.. unrelenting
And for the first time all season, I heard every character voice, pitchperfect, simultaneously.
contented sigh
I wish I could say that I'm glad that Spike died saving the world but at this point I'm just glad he's dead. My biggest disappointment this season has been the fact that Spike and Buffy's relationship has ruined my enjoyment of Spike, it's probably irrational but for the most part I cringed every time I saw him on screen, that had become my new reaction to Spike.
Except for the drawing of Angel.
Giles, though, finally acted like Giles. Dawn was smart and savvy. Andrew. God, Andrew, I hope he finds a nice boy and settles down. I'm glad he told Xander that Anya saved his life, I think that shows a great character development for Andrew.
I loved all the little continuity shout outs--I really liked Andrew's shout out to Tucker.
Actually, Allyson hasn't seen it yet.
Ok, was I on crack or too much scotch and snot? In any case, you too. There are voices here that can analyze things so much better than I (hell, y'all can analyze fiction at all) and while you don't often harsh my mellow (I'm shallow that way), I like the perspectives.
The reference to Trogdor during the D&D game was probably one of the best references in the entire series...if you didn't get it, here's a link:
Aw-- thans Cindy. I am of the tipsy too!