Off-board, I'm Queen Bitch of the Universe!
Hah! I know better. It's all a myth, a myth I tell you!
I've said before that people should perhaps ask for clarification before slamming a post and/or poster. That skimming over things that don't interest/do irritate us is a time-honoured way of dealing with things.
I think this is good to do, for whatever reason.
So, I got tied up at work and had to skip. What's up?
What's up?
I got promoted to a cabal! Ple and ita and I are planning...stuff. Except ita's got crazy notions. Ple is surprisingly lucid, however.
Nutty's Queen Bitch of the Universe.
Ooh, can I join the cabal too?
Nutty's Queen Bitch of the Universe.
And she has cool new rules.
(and for the record, I was just joking, I read it all.)
Ooh, can I join the cabal too?
I dunno. It's supposed to be secret and shit, and Shawn's got the list. You might be on it already. Who can say?
I dunno. It's supposed to be secret and shit, and Shawn's got the list. You might be on it already. Who can say?
So if no one knows who is in it, I can just pretend I am.
Probably won't have to do any of the cabal work that way.
damn, Robin is on to me. Must remember to get the mind control device back from MM
Ple is surprisingly lucid, however.
T minus 2 minutes, the whisky hits, and lucid don't mean fuck-all.
I want to make one thing clear here before the blessed numbness of the alcohol hits my system: no matter how I feel about someone personally, like or dislike, my positions in THIS THREAD are motivated by my concern for the health of the board as a whole. Always have been, always will be.
What *I* think might be best might not be what you (general you) think is best, might not even, in the end, be what *is* best. Hell, sometimes, it's not even what I want, but it's what *I* believe is best.
Me, I can't speak to people feeling unwelcome or alienated, because I personally have dealt with that by retreating. Threads change, tone changes--mutable, all of it. Sometimes, things change in ways that make me rethink if I should be there. Bitches, well, I miss the people, but not the thread, if that makes sense. It got to be too much for me, so I left, not without regret.
These things happen, like it or not. Ain't no stoppin' change, not really. Even if you want to.