Rafmun, I don't think your points were unwelcome or inappropriate. The problem is that when discussing community sensibilities you need to have a guage of...community sensibilities, which is something newbies, by definition, lack. I learned that the really, really hard way.
My bad. Won't happen again.
Rafmun, put your nose back on, you're freaking me out.
Rafmun, put your nose back on, you're freaking me out.
Watch it dear, noseless people everywhere may take offense to that statement.
No doubt you'll be hearing from Mr. Jackson's legal time very shortly...
Hey Rafmun, welcome here. Good points and relevant. Just...as Wolfram notes, it helps to be uh...fully vested when talking about community standards.
I think we have a good and valid solution to this, which is to mine Elena's commentary for thread titles, as Gus suggested.
Also, like Mecha, if Spazzed is offensive, then I'd prefer something about eating babies.
Finally, I feel obliged to toss this out, despite the anti-proliferationist stance: Maybe we need a deathmatch thread.
It's popular, it's a way to maintain a connection with our core ME texts after they have slipped into syndication and no-new-ones. And we might want to run some that are not specifically Buffy quotes.
Like...Angel fight scenes. Whatever.
I think there's enough interest to justify such an action. Not that we have to debate that now, but I do think Deathmatching has established itself as a popular form of board entertainment, and probably needs its own slot.
Okay, I have no investment whatsoever in the Quotables title because tain't one of my threads. But I have to say, I am getting tired of how we Buffistas manage to turn everything into a long, painful debate.
Personally, I consider "spaz" offensive language & try to avoid it. That said, I'm sure I've used it myself (hence I say I try). I don't see the value in drawing a distinction between what offends
and what may offend others. I'm kinda surprised at the number of Buffista who didn't know it was offensive, but that's neither here nor there.
Er, not sure why I'm posting. Maybe it's just a bid to say that these kinds of moments don't really require a lot of soul searching. A well-meaning "oops, sorry, my bad" ought to suffice.
Finally, I feel obliged to toss this out, despite the anti-proliferationist stance: Maybe we need a deathmatch thread.
It seems likely to me that we're going to want to do some reorganizing after Angel goes off the air. It might make sense, for instance, to combine Buffy & Angel quotables, archive the Angel Previously, add a deathmatch thread, and (proliferationist alert! But not really, given how slow the Buffy thread has been all season) start talking about one or two shows we can see dedicating threads to come fall.
But I'd like to hold off on any changes until we've seen the Angel finale.
Er, not sure why I'm posting. Maybe it's just a bid to say that these kinds of moments don't really require a lot of soul searching. A well-meaning "oops, sorry, my bad" ought to suffice.
I so want to say "my bad" here.
Well, if we're starting a new Quotables anyway, and if there was some indication that the matches would live on once Elena's done with Buffy ... Two Quotes Enter, One Quote Leaves would be a pretty good title. Instead of 'The Quotable Buffy'.
But yes, about that baby eating thing...
Finally, I feel obliged to toss this out, despite the anti-proliferationist stance: Maybe we need a deathmatch thread.
For all intents and purposes the thread it's in now *is* the deathmatch thread. The last eighteen thousand posts or so have been almost exclusively deathmatch related.