A thread to discuss naming threads, board policy, new thread suggestions, and anything else that has to do with board administration and maintenance. Guaranteed to include lively debate and polls. Natter discouraged, but not deleted.
Current Stompy Feet: ita, Jon B, DXMachina, P.M. Marcontell, Liese S., amych
Victor---one of the posts in Buffy quotes a line from one of my posts.
She quotes Matts the Bruins fan.
In the "political" thread she's quoting posts from UnAmericans.
Her posts there look pretty much like her posts here would if she were to quote and post something.
I think she's reading along and posting. I know what her post about Culloden happened pretty soon after the last Buffista post she quoted.
I'm more worried about what happens if Phoenix goes down and we need somewhere to go.
I'm working on recreating the basic folders/discussions in an area we can more tightly moderate.
Cool. And, I appreciate that ita. I was just saying that even if the burnout begins to occur as victor suggested, if we had to go over there, we'd ignite the fire again.
Also way creeped. But I have confidence that the power of Buffistas will prevail.
I learned something from Wolfram today - I can see how I was doing the same thing but on a lesser scale.
[ETA I'm for announcing the ban in Press, then never speaking of it again.]
{{{wolfram}}} even though you're gone.
whistling merrily, hauls childhood blocks down from the attic and sets about rebuilding Buffista social capital.
Fay Jay and amyth, belated thanks for the hugs.
I say ban her in press.
I would've liked to know that Zoe was suspended before I had to read through UnAmericans last night. I responded to some things thinking it was an open situation. Now that everyone's been in and asked, I don't know what good posting in Press would do.
Actually, I think that Wolfram has always been one of the most composed and level-headed (when it comes to tone) posters that I have read.
Maybe this explains why I'm a fan. (You'll notice I'm not that big on the personal revelations either.) I respect a distanced and professional tone in Bureaucracy. To me, it's a way to gather social capital with one hand while you spend it on promoting change with the other.
I'm liking that social capital metaphor, because you can acknowledge that people have different levels of clout without drawing a line that separates the cool kids from the rest.
Good God!
I go off to do a show, and now I jst had to read 2 MILLION posts in here.
And I have nothing more to say, except that I think ALL my social capital was spent on the voting issue.
And I have nothing more to say, except that I think ALL my social capital was spent on the voting issue.
You spent none. You simply tallied and recapped, a thankless job. If anything, you're the only person in the history of the thread to EARN it here.
Don't forget Nutty with the Cheese Butt. She was a fresh breeze of good-humored rationality when she came in with that proposal. And I remember moonlit making a strong debut in Bureaucracy -- at least that's where I first remember being impressed by her.
And Julie venturing out of UnAmerican. Also for her post in there which I personally wish I had been able to articulate, and were I able to go back in time would have reposted in here because I think it hit on how a lot of us were feeling.