Voting Discussion: We're Screwing In Light Bulbs AIFG!
We open it up, we talks the talk, we votes, we shuts it down. This thread is to free up Bureaucracy for daily details as we hammer out the Big Issues towards a vote. Open only when a proposal has been made and seconded according to Buffista policy (Which we voted on!). If this thread is closed, hie thee to Bureaucracy instead!
What if it was in the slug, like in Boxed Set?
To be perfectly honest, I hardly ever look at the slugs and am not entirely sure where they are. That thing at the top of this very page, is that the slug? That would help me to decide what to post or not, but would probably be less helpful in staying unsubscribed or not clicking on a thread to avoid spoiling myself.
Which is maybe something I could train myself to do, but is definitely something I want to think about.
I like the idea of a unique whitefont policy for an MCU thread, combining the usual time for TV shows and for movies. We may just have to accept that references may crop up in Agents that would affect the unspoiled status of someone who hasn't seen Ultron yet, but I don't expect anything as world shattering as what happened in Winter Soldier.
I like the idea of having casting news for the various series and movies in the thread.
I'm not sure yet how to handle online content, I think it depends on how much impact those series will have on the main MCU plotlines. It looks like Agents has the closest non-movie relationship to what happens in the movies.
There is a lot of cross-pollination to keep track of in MCU. I do think a spoiler policy more closely related to that of movies would work best. I don't always watch AoS on the day it broadcasts because I bought the season pass on Amazon. And while I don't usually wait 2 weeks to watch it, that means, for example, I can't go into Jossverse until I watch the latest episode. (I'm dying to see what's in there. I have no willpower, somebody hold me.)
I dunno. I'm kind of torn. I mean, I'm against thread prolif, and you've got the streaming factor, and the international release stupid-ass staggered release schedule that means I'm effectively off the Internet at this point FOR A WEEK, like the Canadians with Buffy but worse, but last year, think about how much I could have talked about CA:TWS!
Shit, you guys probably would have proposed a "Plei talks about CA:TWS to herself thread because dear lord, shutting up is not happening." ahem.
There are so many moving pieces, y'know?
Okay, here's a crazy thought: there is a blackfont MCU thread that houses all things MCU, and relevant discussion remains in their separated threads. Intimate discussion remains within relevant threads, and cross contamination discussion can go into MCU. It's not perfect, and perhaps not workable, but it thought I'd throw it out there.
Juliebird, I can guarantee that that... would just cause more confusion. Nobody would know what to post where.
I think the one-MCU thread with maybe a one-week spoiler policy (splitting the difference?) might be a way to do it.
This would result in Jossverse going completely quiet, of course, but I can live with that. Frankly, AOS doesn't feel very Joss anyway.
Are we doing separate discussion/voting for MCU and streaming? I feel like it might be beneficial to do them together. If we do end up with a streaming thread the policy we settle on for that could (would? should?) inform how the streaming MCU shows are handled within a (potential) MCU thread.
I don't think we have had a formal proposal defining what we are going to vote on? That's part of the discussion, I guess.
Yeah I used the phrasing referring to MCU only but that's just cause that was the genesis. This hashing out period can determine the phrasing of the proposal, which can include whatever you want. I mean, within reason. You can propose unicorns, but I, for one, am not qualified to go retrieve any for you.
Hello, posting on benedryl!
ANYWAY! I oppose thread proliferation on general principles, so personally, I'll vote against both threads, but I suggest the final wording of the proposal at least makes them separate ballot items so that if people want streaming and not MCU or whatever they can vote accordingly.
That seems super complicated for folks not deep into MCU. I already feel like I'll need a cheat sheet to separate any DC characters. If there are any with shows and stuff.
I agree, but I assume it makes sense to those who want to have the thread.