I didn't think of the thread as promoting anything, except for someone saying "Look at my new website" or "I've put up an Etsy store."
I'd been fine with someone just mentioning this once, but I am not seeing a consensus that this would be ok unless it specifically fit into a conversation.
Okay, here is a case study question, following on Erin's point. (thanks for the compliment, Hon, but I think that camera lens needs to be cleaned...ijs.)
In the near future, I am going to be launching a project that will incorporate selling stuff on ebay with a book I've been meaning to write for years.
I am also going to be doing a series of teleclasses focused on financial psychology.
My biggest, hairiest, most self-defeating problem with my business has been marketing language. Seriously. I suck. Ginger, Erin, Deena and others have prevented me from making some big mistakes over the years.
If I were to go into the business thread and solicit advice on the above two projects, would that seem like I was saying 'buy my stuff and come to my class?'
Honestly, that would be furthest from my intention, so I don't want to trip over that wire.
Here is an example I can imagine:
Hey guys, people are generally freaked out about talking through money issues with their partners and I'm trying to promote this workshop to help them get past that block and improve their relationships. What kind of things might I say to assuage their fears? I'm thinking this______.
Folks pop up: Oh, no. Don't say that. How about _________.
Me: Thanks so much! You guys are geniuses. Here is the finished promo piece, based on your help.
Is any part of that out of line?
But we do have an affiliate link to a list of Buffista authors. So maybe somewhere between those two is where the line is?
Good thought. I am thinking of the thread as mostly being watercooler/helping, but I would rather support a Buffista than a stranger, if said Buffista could provide what I needed, you know?
I mean, B.org authors/authors will mention/link to a new book or article they have out, and anyone who's interested is all "Cool" CLICK, and anyone who isn't...no click.
If a Buffista is doing some charity stuff and they link, if I'm interested/able, I'll click and donate.
I don't think people who have done either of the above things have spammed; I WANT to know what Buffistas are up to, and support them, if possible. This is what I envision -- occasional mentions of "I need" or "Looky! I'm all available!"
YMMV, o' course.
That seems like what I was thinking the thread would be, bonny. Discussing what to do if a client doesn't pay on time, or asking questions about taxes when you're self-employed, or brainstorming creative ways to promote yourself, or asking for a check on marketing language.
I mean, B.org authors/authors will mention/link to a new book or article they have out, and anyone who's interested is all "Cool" CLICK, and anyone who isn't...no click.
Erin's milage is my mileage.
I love hearing what everyone else is doing. And I've never felt pressured to participate in anything...mostly because I'm grown, but more importantly because of the self-policing and positive intention aspects of the community that others have already mentioned.
asking questions about taxes when you're self-employed
please, please, please, can we have that discussion?
And I think it mostly would be, Amy.
But to be perfectly frank, a lot of business is word-of-mouth, and (full disclosure) I would want to be able to say "Dudes, check it out. OMG, I am in official business! I'm so freaked and nervous and excited. If anyone knows anyone who needs a _______, feel free to point them towards me at Me.com. BTW, does anyone know of a good template for logging phone calls and claiming them on tax write-off's?"
Discussing what to do if a client doesn't pay on time, or asking questions about taxes when you're self-employed, or brainstorming creative ways to promote yourself, or asking for a check on marketing language.
What if giving those answers is something you do professionally, is it okay to say "I could take care of that for thus-and-so terms"? Is it okay to pop up when there aren't such questions on the table and say "just a reminder, I offer blah blah services, Buffistas get a friends and family discount"? Is coming in and asking for help you don't really need just so you can mention your business okay?
I don't really have opinions how to resolve these, but I do think that counting on us to just know what's acceptable is inviting problems.
Those are just my thoughts, Erin, and my comfort level. It might be fine with everyone else.
Is it okay to pop up when there aren't such questions on the table and say "just a reminder, I offer blah blah services, Buffistas get a friends and family discount"? Is coming in and asking for help you don't really need just so you can mention your business okay?
I'll be honest, this is when I'd check out of the thread. But I'd rather only check out of a dedicated thread than have things like this happening all over the board. And it's just me personally opting out of aggressive marketing. It might work for others.
I like the idea of a thread where people have questions and advice flows freely. But maybe that's not what everyone is looking for, which is also okay but not for me.