But if it comes up next time there's something that we obviously support as a board but doesn't include you and you don't get to use official process to object...it'd feel like a waste of cheesebutt to me.
Because of this, I'm glad we're voting. And it's fine by me - I'll vote yes. We've been writerly fangurls around these parts since way back.
I expect this to be the most redundant discussion ever (most heat generated will be meta--should we have talked about it), but there you go.
I am the bitch of process.
I support the idea of supporting the strike. As a group, I think we're fans of writers. I think a link or a page explaining the facts behind the strike are are a good idea. Especially for people who have heard of the strike, are wondering why their favorite shows are on reruns or not running and don't know why, exactly.
I would abide by a bullshit concensus and wouldn't mind not voting. But if a majority prefers an official vote, I think it should be an expedited process.
I support this. And the process, even if the process this time *feels* like it'll be all of us going, "Yep, we support the writers. Do it."
I think a link or a page explaining the facts behind the strike are are a good idea.
I think this is key, in addition to the logo.
Work just tried to eat me, I'm going to be a little gray in discussion for a bit. I'm so sorry.
I agree that the rules are in place for a reason. I think we should vote. Obviously the writers should be supported.
I'm for this. I'm also for getting it to a vote as quickly as possible.
Someone in B'crazy mentioned opening voting now and possibly shortening the voting period. Can we consense on that?
I'm for it and would like to vote sooner rather than later.