yeah. even taking out Chuck, Pushing Daisies and Bionic Woman that's still a hell of a lot of shows for one thread.
it almost seems worth it to do something like a Drama thread for each network, but for those who are really against thread proliferation this would be a problem.
the network drama thread was the biggest issue for me with the experimentals because i tend to get days behind on my watching and i can't go in for fear of being spoiled for something else.
at least with a network drama thread for each big net i could stay fairly caught up.
In addition to those, 24 will be back at some point, so there's another show in the mix.
Also isn't Medium coming back?
I only have the fall shows on my grid because it's so unclear right now where the midseason premieres will finally land.
Some of those returning in 2008 shows are 24, Jericho, L&O: Original Recipe, Medium, One Tree Hill, October Road.
Other new shows not on the list I posted earlier: Cashmere Mafia, Lipstick Jungle, Canterbury's Law, Sarah Connor Chronicles, Swingtown.
L&O: Original Recipe
Heh. So which one's Extra Crispy?
'Cause that sucker is TOAST.
Just to trim that list a little, Daisies, Chuck, Sarah Connor, Bionic Woman, Reaper, and New Amsterdam are all SFF and belong in Boxed Set. (I'd argue for House being SF as well, but that's just medical crankiness and not really relevant here.)
And no matter where it officially goes, I feel like Pushing Daisies will end up in Minearverse because of the Wonderfalls connection, even though it's not a Tim show.
I figured that Pushing Daisies would wind up in Boxed Set because - magical ablitiy.
And Smallville is Boxed Set, slug-wise and everything.
Thanks so much for posting the schedule, Kristen -- it makes it much easier for me to grasp what we're discussing.
I think that, rather than dividing by network, it makes more sense to divide by characteristics of the shows, if we're worried about over-population of a single thread.
I know they're vastly different, but law/law-enforcement seems like one of the brighter lines we've got in that set that actually contains a decent chunk of shows.
I'm with Liese with not just wanting to recreate the experimentals. Plus with the added bonus of I'm pretty much sick of thread creation in general and the current boom of it in specific.