Well, I think it would have to be specific--"drama" really opens it up to all the re-runs shown on cable, and I think re-runs are rather more of a Natter domain. Original Programming clearly identifies that the thread is for the discussion of Brand Spankin' New tv, in the same way that Nonfic is.
Boxed Set is a slightly different animal, though it is primarily used as a vehicle for new tv talk. And SPN W&Ps.
So, original drama on cable?
I would definitely prefer a combining of the premium cable and non-network cable shows.
I think we'd lose a few folk from the non-premium side, but I suspect as a thread overall, it would take off from where the premium thread is now.
So, original drama on cable?
That sounds right for the thread I'm hoping for -- I just wanted to clarify the question early, before we get to ballot time and said, "so, wait, are we tallking about everything on cable?"
This is nitpicky, but how about saying "original drama produced for cable networks"? That way it covers something like BET picking up "The Wire."
Wait, BET's picking up The Wire?
BET picked The Wire up last year. I think it's on Thursday.
I thought BET was just running repeats of the Wire.
Well, I liked Cable Drama and Network Drama the way they were. . . but I've never been in premium cable because I don't have it.
They are repeats. I was just trying to specify what we discuss.
This is nitpicky, but how about saying "original drama produced for cable networks"? That way it covers something like BET picking up "The Wire."
I think that would still be covered by Premium, though. The Wire was produced for a premium network, not a cable network, so there's not much point in making the distinction.
It's further moot if the vote swings to a combo thread.