But the other problem is not "we only have room for one more thread," but instead that with each new thread, the anti-proliferation camp (whose position has some merit) gets more opposed to new threads.
Sean, the "anti-proliferation camp" is always going to be anti-new threads in general. And granted, each new thread makes the creation of another thread, to some degree, a little less palatable to the APC. But by that logic, each closed thread should make the creation of a new thread a little more palatable. We're closing deathmatch. We recently closed the holiday thread. Does that mean the Politics thread gets, to some degree, more support from the APC?
The APC also takes into account other factors like the purpose of the thread and the demand for the thread. I don't think any one in the APC says no to a thread, solely because the thread count is too high. So it's never the politics thread or the TV thread. Of course arguing about the APC is like arguing about what the lurkers want, there's no way to prove or disprove their intentions. But is there anyone here who would vote down a proposed TV thread substantially because we opened a politics thread?
This being a pop-culture board in origin, it seems more appropriate the a general TV thread have less of an uphill battle to get created than a politics thread.
The moratorium on the general TV thread ended in September. Nobody has proposed a general TV thread since then. If and when that happens, we'll see what kind of uphill battle it does or does not have. But to claim that it would have more of an uphill battle at this point is speculative and premature.
Well, like I said, I understand your point, but I disagree that it's a disingenuous or meritless argument.
Well, like I said, I understand your point, but I disagree that it's a disingenuous or meritless argument.
Well that's because you're a stoopidhead.
Are so.
Right. Political thread....
Okay now that the stoopidhead resolution has been passed...
(We did a backchannel bullshit consensus. You both won!)
Eh. In the Political thread they'd be pulling hair and scratching by now.
I don't want a Politics thread, in addition to the reasons already stated, because I don't like the direction it takes us. We really need to think about where we are headed.
I think that a Politics thread is potentially a big change for this board. We've always been about pop culture. I just looked through the list of threads and was able to classify every one as either (pop) cultural, social [Natter & Bitches] or practical [F2F, technology and the right-hand threads]. Natter and Bitches have been primarily a place to discuss serious personal affairs and the wackiness of everyday life. Politics enters it, but (as others have said) it's tempered by posts about corsets.
I think it's because of this that we've managed to stay relatively civil over the years. It's not just that we're a relatively intelligent bunch of folks with a distaste for flaming. It's
we have been discussing. In my mind, which is having trouble articulating it's thoughts, a Politics thread has a totally different head. It will inevitably lead to more acrimonious posts that will spread silently to the other threads and forever change the vibe here. There could also be an apocolypse.
I want us to stay focused on pop culture.
I like the scattered talk. Of course, I'm guilty of it, but hey. I like the fact that threads of conversation pop up wherever we are. It adds to the feel of community, for me, where I'm feeling more and more that the thread spread has, in concert with increased numbers of people and speed of posting, lead to the everyone's alone in a crowd feel. Plus, seems people do more picking and sticking with threads, so that they become not so much subcultures, but completely independent cultures.
This to me is a very convincing argument.