The PERSONAL NAME change will unforunately eliminate the possibility of "Nilly" entering the language as a verb. Ditto with "meara" and "mejia" and "anya."
Yeah, the passage Jeff is quoting here is the one that got me all confuzzled. Which I now am again.
Don't be. Hec posted that, and he was wrong. In the post I linked to, erinaceous contradicted it, and it's her proposal.
That passage was DavidS speculating. He was wrong (sorry David!) as erin stated in #3405. And I think Jeff is saying that he's looking
to having his name verbified to something that's not an insult, but I defer to him of course.
t edit
x-posted with the more succinct ita.
I think Jeff is saying that he's looking forward to having his name verbified to something that's not an insult,
But is it meh-JEE-uh, me-HEE-uh, or something completely different?
I think we established at some point that it was the second one.
I always thought it was MEJ-ee-uh.
I always pronounce it May-ha to myself...
Don't be. Hec posted that, and he was wrong. In the post I linked to, erinaceous contradicted it, and it's her proposal.
Cool. Thanks. That's what I get for skimming.
But is it meh-JEE-uh, me-HEE-uh, or something completely different?
Possibly because I grew up in a place with a store call Meijer's (which is pronounced My-ers), I've always read Jeff's last name as My-uh.
Ah, the always entertaining pronunciation confusion. (No really, I do enjoy the discussions.) Let's get amych, amyp and amyth in here too.
Oh topic, I am for this proposal and will certainly opt-in. And though I think there are fascination conversations in Bitches, it also gets very personal there, so I agree with not using it.
Oh, I'll opt in. Sounds like good work with good people for a damned good reason.
Um - who gets the email, will there be a post in press when everything's ready, or what?