Deena is me.
As far as the lightbulbs discussion goes, with the opt-in included as part of the eventual deal, I'm having trouble formulating arguments against doing this. Looks great to me.
ETA: Like Deena, I kind of wish Bitches was included. But given that not everyone is comfortable with that, I'm just as glad it's off the table.
The PERSONAL NAME change will unforunately eliminate the possibility of "Nilly" entering the language as a verb. Ditto with "meara" and "mejia" and "anya."
Bwhahah! I hadn't even thought of THAT! Woohoo! :) (edit: er, woohoo on the idea of it entering the language, not on the elimination of said possibility)
I'm in favor, Erin, and willing to opt in.
Also in favor and will opt in. Although if one does OLDER threads, I will have more words. Gosh I remember when I was one of the most talkative!
Also, how does one pronounce mearaing?
Although if one does OLDER threads, I will have more words. Gosh I remember when I was one of the most talkative!
Hee. Me too, Sophia, so I'm glad they're using archived threads.
I'm all for it and will opt in ... not that I've posted that much, but, hey.
Um, I generally pronounce meara something like "meera". Maybe with a little more a in the middle. But not "may-are-uh".
But as a verb, it's not really up to me...;)
Any effort that might result in 'bwah' being in a dictionary is fine by me.
erin, are you by any chance looking for multiple clever, literate internet communities to study? Because if so, I have a feeling my DH's main online community might be up for donating some of their archives. At least, I'm sure he'd think it was cool enough to want to present it to them.