I change my vote to fnord.
Although in a perfect world, that would be whitefonted.
Edit, but seriously, I still think that quarterly or biannually is the best way to go.
So, I'm firm with three/six.
Or some combination, where three for everything BUT new threads, and six for new threads.
Anything other than an integral number of months will just get confusing.
-7 months!
I want 6 months, for no better reason (although I think it's a damn fine reason) than it'll make Bureaucracy ever-so-slightly easier to read than would 3 or 4.
Pi months! Pi months!
Only after months of Pi
Let the digits be our cry
Sorry, sorry.
As for real content, I'm actually intrigued by Plei's 6 months for thread requests, 3 months for evertyhing else, but I wonder what else we'll be voting on, other than thread creation.
but I wonder what else we'll be voting on, other than thread creation.
Er, thread uncreation (When is it time to end a thread?), thread reorganization (Should X and Y be combined into one thread?) both come to mind, official banning procedures (if we decide to codify them). So I can think of a few other things.
I closed an open italics tag in Sean's post.
Er, thread uncreation (When is it time to end a thread?), thread reorganization (Should X and Y be combined into one thread?) both come to mind, official banning procedures (if we decide to codify them). So I can think of a few other things.
Thanks Burrell, I thought there might be things like that, but I just wasn't coming up with any. I have perhaps not had enough caffeine yet this morning.
I closed an open italics tag in Sean's post.
Thanks Jon. (whoops)
Plei's 6 months for thread requests, 3 months for evertyhing else
I like this too. Is that a bad thing?
I have perhaps not had enough caffeine yet this morning.
Wimp! I haven't had ANY caffeine!
Plei's 6 months for thread requests, 3 months for evertyhing else
Me no like. Too complicated. One rule for everything. If we need to get bendy about the rules later, we can.
I'm with Burrell. One time limit is enough.
The reason I was in favor of setting up this system is so that topics don't keep getting raised every few months. I don't see why thread requests are different from other issues. But maybe I'm seeing the issue through my six-months-is-the-only-true-answer tinted glasses.