By having two threads created to suit them.
If the current standard is going to be changed the Virgins should be offered the same courtesy.
We open it up, we talks the talk, we votes, we shuts it down. This thread is to free up Bureaucracy for daily details as we hammer out the Big Issues towards a vote. Open only when a proposal has been made and seconded according to Buffista policy (Which we voted on!). If this thread is closed, hie thee to Bureaucracy instead!
By having two threads created to suit them.
If the current standard is going to be changed the Virgins should be offered the same courtesy.
When it comes to a point where asking if NB's pilot was picked up has people screaming for white font or deletion, things have gone a bit too far. It's gone from courtesy to mollycoddling.
Well, at that point it was obvious from the none to clever hinting that: SOMEONE from Buffy was moving to Angel and eliminating Nick from the list made it that much shorter.
The context is relevant, it wasn't mollycoddling.
And mostly, because at this point, the WB has announced the regulars for next season, and there are changes, and we will know about them and start talking about them before the season starts, it's just a matter of when. Regardless of you getting promos or not, we will, and they will be discussed. Before the first episode airs. Period.
To clarify - for the nth time - I'm not saying you can't discuss promos. That has always been the rule and I have no problem with it. Once it's in an aired promo it can be discussed. That's under the current rule.
When it comes to a point where asking if NB's pilot was picked up has people screaming for white font or deletion, things have gone a bit too far. It's gone from courtesy to mollycoddling.
Please show me where and when people were screaming about that. Because I recall the pilot mention happening well after people knew that season 7 was the last season. (edit) Ah, reading Trudy's post I see that something happened that I don't remember, but someone from BtVS moving to AtS should not have been mentioned in the NAFTA thread at all since it was (and is) a spoiler.
I agree with Trudy. If the NAFTA show threads are going to contain spoilers by our previously agreed upon definition - there needs to be some kind of pure thread.
You know, reading through the hardcore spoiler thread there is periodic amazement on the part of the participants that anyone manages to not know certain things like casting.
I recall reading a post (don't remember who, doesn't matter) that said any Buffista who didn't know that Faith was going to appear on BtVS should get a cookie (or something). Well, Liese didn't know. I didn't know until I saw the relevant AtS. And it wasn't hard to not find out.
One thing about avoiding spoilers is that you avoid the foilers too.
If you hear something once or partially you can write it off and forget about it. You aren't running around trying to confirm.
Spoiler folks can wallow or wade in their threads. The unspoiled need a place to swim.
Sorry about the serial posting.
Deena asked
I'm wondering how it will improve conversation about these spoilers if the conversation is held in the show threads instead of in the spoiler threads, other than there being more people involved?
And I think it's a good point. Why does this need to be brought up in NAFDA threads before it's reached the point of NAFDA non-spoiler?
Also, why do I continually type NAFTA instead of NAFDA?
Because there is no such thing as a Free Drade Agreement?
Hey, could we configure the ballot so that if it DOES pass the creation of a Virgin Thread is built in?
I am also curious about the current spoiler rules and Tim Minear's new show. Are we really and truly not allowed to talk about the regular cast until the first ep airs? Really? Wow. We didn't do that before Firefly's first ep.
You know. Big Casting Spoiler is a spoiler by anyones definaition.
I am certainly coming around to the fact that we can wait to talk about it.
My issue right now is that I feel as if I had news that the guy who played Dead Gay Larry was going to be joining the cast of gilmore Girls, I couldn't share, because that is s spoiler that he WON'T be on Angel.
And we used to talk about these things. I distinctly remember at the end of season 5 easily decideing to talk about the fact that SMG would be back and that ASH would perhaps not. And I was one of the people who really thought for a few days that they would try to do Season 6 Buffy without SMG.