Go, Susan!
Yesterday I went to a robotics tournament, and it was so much fun! My nephew was in robotics all through high school and now he is mentoring a team, so I got to go cheer them on with my sister. The robots had to remove a bunch of big balls from a rack of tubes, accept wider tubes from a feeder chute, then manipulate the latter into the right angle and put them on the rack, over the narrower tubes. Then they had to grasp a dangly thing and raise themselves off the floor. It was surprisingly engaging, with balls and tubes flying everywhere and people cheering on their teams. My nephew’s team ended up in the top third, which is pretty good for a rebuilding year in a competitive region.
My personal favorites were one individual whose gender identity was "gender nonconforming" and gender expression was "genderfuck femme"
Awesome, Tep.
My agender child is in an improv class where their characters are usually gendered during scenes, or as we call it, "Assigned (Male or Female) At Bit"
Schumer has a "Why I Did It" (not the real title) article in the NYT today and part of me is compelled to read it to Be Informed And Shit and another, angrier part of me just wants him to grow a fucking spine.
His book tour is going to be a shit show, so at least he’s going to hear about it. For as much good as that will do now.
If you just read he excerpts piece in the magazine, you get the gist of his reasoning.
I was up until 3a last night, argh. Eh, at least I got some stuff done. Today should be interesting.
Yeah. Among other things, Chuck Schumer watched Mitch McConnell for decades and apparently learned nothing. It's so fucking disheartening.
Seriously, being in the minority didn't stop McConnell for a moment.
Well done, Susan.
Calli, I could really use a robot. Perhaps I was born too long ago to ever live the Jetsons life, but still hopeful it will happen.
Hanging out in the courtyard drinking coffee. This Keys place has orchids living in a number of the palm trees growing around the pool. Very lovely. The room itself is like 50s Florida with terrazzo floors and old timey tiles. But comfortable and more charming than the new resorts.
If you just read he excerpts piece in the magazine, you get the gist of his reasoning.
That is the thing. I totally understand his reasoning, and honestly don't know if I would do differently. More importantly, it wasn't considering the big long term picture which requires letting them fall on their own petard.
Yeah, no I wasn't commenting on it one way or another -- just meant that there was a way to get the gist without reading the whole article about Chuck and his book, etc.
Hec, I'm looking at microblading myself: my brows are basically gone, and I look so washed out without them.
My SIL has a person who does this in her salon and she has been encouraging me. My biggest issue is that I have had blond brows that can only be seen close up all my life and it would take some real adjustment to not be startled by the change. I don't wear glasses anymore to frame my eyes, but the bangs are probably going to be here forever.
Add me to the micro-bladers. I’ve had it done twice. Am probably due again, but the person who did mine was in tx and it’s not really in the budget right now so I’m back to powder when I bother.
ETA microbladders is a whole different thing, although that may also apply.