If you just read he excerpts piece in the magazine, you get the gist of his reasoning.
That is the thing. I totally understand his reasoning, and honestly don't know if I would do differently. More importantly, it wasn't considering the big long term picture which requires letting them fall on their own petard.
Yeah, no I wasn't commenting on it one way or another -- just meant that there was a way to get the gist without reading the whole article about Chuck and his book, etc.
Hec, I'm looking at microblading myself: my brows are basically gone, and I look so washed out without them.
My SIL has a person who does this in her salon and she has been encouraging me. My biggest issue is that I have had blond brows that can only be seen close up all my life and it would take some real adjustment to not be startled by the change. I don't wear glasses anymore to frame my eyes, but the bangs are probably going to be here forever.
Add me to the micro-bladers. I’ve had it done twice. Am probably due again, but the person who did mine was in tx and it’s not really in the budget right now so I’m back to powder when I bother.
ETA microbladders is a whole different thing, although that may also apply.
Schumer’s book tour is postponed for “security reasons.” Coward. I was looking forward to yelling at him tonight at the Pratt.
I'm not sure we can afford to count on long term strategizing if the short term is going to just discard the rule of law entirely. Personally.
I don't know what microblading is but it sounds like something I don't need to know about, so that's ok. I wish you all success with your brow management process of choice!
Laura, my color was totally custom. So they can do a shade darker than your natural if you don't want to be Too Dark.
Why is soda bread so fucking good?