I have to go get an EMG this morning for what is 99% likely to be carpal tunnel syndrome in my right hand (numbness, tingling). I just hope it can be treated with something easy like a cortisone shot rather than surgery (although I know carpal tunnel surgery is pretty simple). And honestly, I can't see my insurance approving surgery without a cortisone shot being tried first.
Maintenance on this crumbling human shell is a pain in the butt, man.
Sophia! So lovely to read about your recognition and improved work comfort. Work takes up so much of our lives that appreciation is vital.
Brenda, it is walking a tightrope you shouldn't have to navigate, and I am sure your team appreciates your efforts.
Good to hear, Teppy. Go, AMA! eta: I hope your crumbling shell is easily fixed.
I am so relieved that I work for a Catholic organization, so we're 'safe' until they decide to come for the Catholics.
My Mom was Catholic and my step-dad converted for her so she would marry him. His born-again sister considered Catholics as only Christian-adjacent or something.
Last night at book club we got to what one of my fellows calls the 'organ section' where groups of an age start talking about their various procedures and conditions. It was pretty funny. One of the guys, who is in pretty remarkable shape and jogs multiple miles a day and stuff, was telling us about his routines. He lost 90 pounds doing a one meal a day, massive amounts of fiber, type diet. Over 100mg per day. He absolutely agrees that diets are what works for the person deals, but he swore his energy, vitality and lack of joint pain was due to Niagen. There was also massive agreement that Ozempic is a damn miracle and insurance companies should embrace it for all the preventative value. It was interesting. They didn't talk me into the Ozempic, but I did order the Niagen, because I could use some of that vitality stuff.
I tell you what, the miracle of Ozempic for me is what meara said months and months ago when she was in the trial -- the reduction of the "food noise" in the brain. It tastes like fucking freedom.
I did lose 27 pounds over a year, and I'd like to do that again this year, but even without that, the relief from the grip of constantly thinking about and wanting food is miraculous. I can completely believe the headline or two I've seen about Ozemempic WRT to helping with addiction. (It also helps my particular situation with slowing down how fast my stomach empties. Anything that keeps food in my system longer is a plus .)
OK, ad over.
Today I must focus on the work I need to do for the NP I work-ish for. One email and the web copy re-write. If you see me in here, ask me if I'm getting anything done, please!
I think I must have only thought and not typed, so - Sophia, so glad that you are seen!