The sun wouldn't rise until after 8 in the winter here if we stayed on DST all the time, so that's a hard no for me.
Ugh, please no. Winter is depressing enough already.
I bought some medium-expensive shredded memory foam pillows from Brooklinen a few years ago, and I adore them. (I think I read somewhere that you're supposed to replace pillows at least once a year? Does anyone actually do that??)
I have found I am not a memory foam fan, whether shredded or intact. Too bouncy on the one hand and not malleable enough on the other. (Also, is there a pea under this mattress? I barely slept a wink.)
New couch being delivered today! It was both an impulse buy and a long overdue replacement for the current couch. Which is unfortunately still in the living room so it’s gonna be tight around here for a minute until we make sure we’re sold on the new one and figure out how to get someone to take the old one off our hands.
Currently bracing for the full scale living room redesign that I expect this will prompt. Which is probably long overdue also.
Ooof, poor Mr. S. I just went through the same thing in the middle of the last night. At least it didn’t happen during the con.
Plei, I’ve said it elsewhere, but just say the word and I will rally the metalhead handyman crew.
Mom got us those cervical pillows that look weird. It's doesn't work right but I put another soft pillow on top of it and then it really helps. Until I move around to much and the gap between the mattress and the head board eats it.
Food poisoning sucks .
I have some different symptoms. More abdominal discomfort/pain it's not worse than some cramps I've had it just feels like it's in weird places. And doesn't feel like cramps. I sent a note to my dr.