That was literally the origin of Beep Me, so we’d know when we didn’t need to go all commando when somebody wasn’t around for a day or two.
That's why I am trying to check in more. Someone might notice and send help! That and nostalgia for better times, when I was on the morning crew.
My Mom and I swap our Wordle scores every morning and say hi. My brother and family are only 10 minutes from her if something happened.
My niece calls my sister every day from the car to and from work, which we all appreciate. I need to find a method to get my MIL into technology so I can check up on her more regularly. I wonder if I could get her into Wordle. Her daughter does it too. That is a good idea.
My friend D and I Wordle, etc. every morning; he lives alone, so it's our proof of life on the daily. Well, that and the fact that we "work from Zoom" just about all day every weekday, ha!
My aunt, who is 87 and lives alone, is always in daily text touch with her daughter (who lives 5 mins away) and grands, and, frankly, is sprier than I am -- she plays bridge all the time and even taught it to a bunch of her daughter's friends who wanted to learn it. Goals.
I was Wordleing with my mom, but we both have vision problems. Mine is doable, but I think it is too hard for her because she refuses to use the assistive technology on her phone.
Plei! I’m so sorry that happened
Plei, holy shit, that's terrible! So glad all your family members are unharmed, though.
It really isn't just an age thing. My sister slipped on ice on her deck and broke her ankle decades ago. She crawled to her phone and called her son, but that might not have been an option. Life is scary and we need to watch out for each other.
Continuing to hold Plei and family in my heart. So many things to deal with! When you can please check in and let us know how it is going.
In meme news. I have pinkeye. A world of ugh. Fortunately the RN on call at my doctor's office got a script called in for me when I texted him a picture. It's presenting differently than usual, as in my whole eye socket aches. I'll go into the office tomorrow if it gets worse.
Yes! Eye Morphine would be good, but they only prescribed antibiotic gel. Boo.