I hope the meds help quickly, askye.
Holy fuck y'all how did I get almost 400 messages behind???
Hi, Jessica! Yeah, that whole having a life thing can be very disruptive.
So I am still dealing with my tax return. Going to have to do some creative accounting.
I’m figuring either shit goes so bad that my retirement money is just a pipe dream, or I’ve got long enough that it can bounce back. I hope.
Oof, this. I have to keep reminding myself not to check those accounts because the stock market right now is so bonkers that the day-to-day changes are going to be meaningless (until they're not? we'll see!)
Yeah, I just keep ignoring my retirement account and hoping our money guy is moving stuff around in a way that will be beneficial in the long term. (I'm also very glad retirement is a ways off for me still.)
Ok. Saw the Dr. He said it seems like it's Vasovagal syncope
Vasovagal syncope suuuucks. I hope the doctor can figure out what's causing it.
Yeah, and it seems like one of those, "Yup, your dizziness is caused by vertigo," type of diagnoses... "You're dizzy? Oh, that's because you're dizzy!"
I hope the meds help, askye.
Accounting-fu your way, Laura!
I am reading in the library as predicted. Giving myself 20 more minutes, then I need to head home to onerous tasks, but then more reading, so, yay.
You know who might be able to get away with using a word like "collabocus"? The hiphopopotamus
I took the meclizine prescription, well half, because I got dizzy and sitting down wasn't helping. Dizziness went away but I was left feeling slightly sleepy but that has improved.
Movers come tomorrow to drop off our stuff at the house. Naturally, we both have covid.
Oh good lord, Dana. I'm sorry. I hope other than that the physical moving goes smoothly!
I'm going to a rally tomorrow with Mom. Don't really know what to expect - it's an hour at a coffee shop downtown in her little city and hasn't really specified anything except it's for International Women's Day. Maybe a march? There's city hall and a county courthouse nearby. IDK. Wearing comfy shoes, not making a sign or anything.
Oh no, Dana!!! That is awful timing. I hope it is very mild for both of you. Unpack only the absolute necessities.
The East Broward Dems have been holding rallies every Saturday. Maybe tomorrow I'll go?
Good grief, Dana. I don't even know what. Sending you feel better soon and may it be mild vibes... and what Laura said.
Okay, I just read the autopsy info from Gene Hackman and his wife. It is horrifying. People! Please always have others you check in with daily. Check on each other. The idea that they were in such poor condition and no one knew is so very sad.