Well, lady, I must say-- You're my kinda stupid.

Mal ,'Heart Of Gold'

Natter 78: I might need to watch some Buffy for inspiration

Off-topic discussion. Wanna talk about corsets, duct tape, butt kicking, or physics? This is the place. Detailed discussion of any current-season TV must be whitefonted.

Beverly - May 20, 2024 4:11:47 pm PDT #594 of 2694
Days shrink and grow cold, sunlight through leaves is my song. Winter is long.

Today is the first time I've been able to sit down and view the post-livestream, and apparently it's not at the link where it formerly was. Is it still up anywhere I can access it? Pretty please?

Steph L. - May 20, 2024 4:15:50 pm PDT #595 of 2694
the hardest to learn / was the least complicated

Bev, here you go: [link]

Beverly - May 20, 2024 4:55:59 pm PDT #596 of 2694
Days shrink and grow cold, sunlight through leaves is my song. Winter is long.

Thanks so much, Teppy. Apparently my laptop is aged and inept and unable to play the vid. But I appreciate the linkage.

I also am very grateful for the photos and the conversations. I miss my tribe, y'all. But it heartens me to know we're all out there, and to touch base by photo and commentary.

erin_obscure - May 20, 2024 6:06:31 pm PDT #597 of 2694
Occasionally I’m callous and strange

I am The Most Fortunate right now, and so grateful for all the amazing people in this tribe.

Who will also appreciate part of J's recent journey. He never watched Buffy. The phenomenon totally passed him by. He did watch Firefly/Serenity IRT and loved it, so my faith was strong, and I might have encouraged him once or twice to check it out, so as to share references and such. Like how I keep bursting into song about his bunnies. Anyway, as soon as I told him about the existence of Buffistas (in context of "wanna spend your birthday weekend on a barely-planned trip hanging out with a bunch of total strangers who will OVERWHELM you at every opportunity and he somehow, unexpectedly, responded with an unreserved "HECK YEAH!") he dove in and mainlined season one and a solid chunk of season 2 last week. Poor guy didn't get most of the references this weekend because of course he's only in S2! So much I have to try hard to not spoil, while also explaining some references for context so that he isn't totally left out.

We got home last night, heated up some leftovers for dinner, and sat down to watch one episode before bed. It was _Passion_. Felt appropriate. I must have dropped enough spoilers (or he just grocks enough of show development) that he was like "Oh no, someone important is about to die. I'm going to be devastated, aren't I?" Because yeah, Jenny Calendar is so perfect to his computer technophile adult viewer self. Was? Is. The emotional devastation was so right for the evening.

And he has so much ahead, I'm loving getting to rewatch some episodes with him on the weekends. I can't keep up on weekdays (he works remotely, doesn't have to commute, and needs way less sleep than I do, which all adds up to far more time for TV viewing. I try to not be jealous). It's a great journey that I'm enjoying vicariously.

lisah - May 20, 2024 7:41:55 pm PDT #598 of 2694
Punishingly Intricate

Well my trip from Ca to Md was fine but we are stuck in Wilmington because we took the train up for my uncle’s memorial and there is a power outage on the train line. So we’re staying at a hotel. And I’m having a cognitive dissonance about staying in my hometown but not being able to go home.

lisah - May 20, 2024 7:42:40 pm PDT #599 of 2694
Punishingly Intricate

So I can’t stop crying

msbelle - May 20, 2024 7:45:18 pm PDT #600 of 2694
I remember the crazy days. 500 posts an hour. Nubmer! Natgbsb

Oh (((Lisa))))

Vortex - May 20, 2024 8:02:04 pm PDT #601 of 2694
"Cry havoc and let slip the boobs of war!" -- Miracleman

My trip started out with a delay on the redeye, left about 45 minutes late (and there was wierdness in that they could not scan electric boarding passes because it was after midnight. Very Cinderella). Had a 3 hour layover in Chicago, so it was fine, but I also forgot that Chicago has bupkis for good clubs and American does not automatically admit you to the club if you travel first class. Trash)

Second flight was slightly delayed, but we got on the plane and there was some mechanical issue, so we came back to the gate. They couldn't fix it, so we had to get a new plane. And when we finally got a new plane, we had to drive all over the runways before we actually got to take off. Landed 4 hours late. Ugh.

Home a while back, put forgot to post. There may have been a wee nap in there.

erin_obscure - May 20, 2024 8:30:35 pm PDT #602 of 2694
Occasionally I’m callous and strange

{{{Lisah}}} that’s just too many strong emotions in too short a time for one person.

I’m happier news, Casper led to me to the resting place of his favorite mousie and has spent the last 20 minutes blissfully bringing it to me so that I can throw it for him to fetch. Mewing frantically with each return. These are the adorable times that keep me from tossing him out onto the street whenever he chows down on some clothing.

meara - May 20, 2024 9:01:32 pm PDT #603 of 2694

Erin at first I thought you meant a real mouse and I was prepared to be disturbed.