I am all vaxxed you and my cats are strictly indoors, so I'm doing OK there, and I will 100% take your advice about masking up. Or, maybe just not go anywhere for a long, long time. There's that, too.
DH is getting some interest from recruiters and such and has applied to a few places with them. Plus some other places just cold. It feels like progress even though no interviews scheduled yet. General ~ma appreciated.
It is snowing very prettily and has been since this afternoon.
Ummmm…aren’t there OSHA standards for that, t? Geez.
I don't think anything that would cover us. The warehouse is always unheated and that's apparently okay for the crew that works out there. In any case, our VP of People gave the word that we can work from home the rest of the week, which I honestly did not expect. Our new CEO starts next Tuesday so now we are crossing our fingers that it's fixed before he shows up. How embarrassing would that be!
Glad to hear your bosses appreciate you askye! And now I am interested in those books where I would not have looked twice at them given just the title. Like I need more to read but sometimes everything I already have waiting to be read just doesn't appeal...
Thanks all for the welcomes. Trying to remember which threads I was subscribed to, and so on...
Oh hey CaBil!
Does the flu vax help with bird flu?
Our cat goes out on the patio from time to time and there are birds that hang around so I guess fun time is over for her for awhile.
Does the flu vax help with bird flu?
Sadly, it does not. Viruses are jerks.
Where did JZ work? I feel like I had some clinical placement dealings with them (UCSF?)
Correct! UCSF.
Not to be confused with USF (University of San Francisco) which is where Matilda was accepted.
oh, interesting thing that has changed. I work a decent number of conventions now, like 10-15 in the year. This is actually one of my busy stretches.
Last weekend: Farpoint Convention, a sci-fi/Star Trek con in Baltimore
This weekend: KatsuCon, an anime con in National Harbor which is DCish
Next Weekend: Dreamation, a rpg/board game convention is Morristown, NJ
Next Next Weekend: Cold Wars, a historical miniatures/gaming convention in Gettysburg, PA
Anyone going to any of those, let me know, we can do a meetup!
oh, interesting thing that has changed. I work a decent number of conventions now, like 10-15 in the year.
Ooh, way to leverage your interests into a career!
Welcome back, CaBil!
ltc was fever free all day yesterday, but today she has a slight fever again. She also coughed a lot last night. I’m the worst mother ever because I’m keeping her home one more day.