Zooming by to announce a cause for celebration! Happy birthday to -t and sincere wishes for abundant joy in the coming year.
Sending health~ma to ltc and family.
Yay, Matilda! An excellent option.
I'm off to a funeral in about 15 minutes and still am struggling with what to wear. The deceased has 10! granddaughters (one great grandson). Every single one of these women had solid black on at the wake last night. Every black dress I own can only be described as sexy cocktail. I do have a more flowy black floral dress that I wear to the symphony or plays. It's that or jeans and a black variety of top. It's a full mass this morning so probably the dress.
ltc went to bed an hour early last night. So of course she was up at 4AM. TCG works until 7 tonight. Send all the tea.
All the tea headed your way.
Happy, Happy Birthday to you, -t! Enjoy your day and may the year ahead hold many cool, fun moments worthy of your awesomensss.
Five! Five bluebirds at the feeder this morning. That's a record. I suppose they are preparing for the winter storm that will hit here tonight.
Thanks, Laura and JenP! I forgot my badge at home but one of the facilities crew let me in, and the heat is off in our part of the building but I successfully acquired my free drink at Starbucks and I'm wearing a shiny shiny jacket (because you have to make your own occasions to wear sequinned stuff once you have them) so it's a mixed bag so far.
Five bluebirds is amazing! Wow!
Imagine converting to Catholicism, and then only a few years later, you are personally called out and smacked down by the Pope.