Yay migraine meds! Yay Matilda!
I am taking action where I can (contacted my rep and senator) and stating informed, but I am also trying to care for my mental health. The last 13 months have been a lot (with a few stretches of joy and delight, of course!), and I've felt it in my body this school year. I usually have a super teacher immune system and rarely get sick, but I've been sick multiple times this winter already. Thank goodness for Drew, who puts up with my depressed, cranky self, and my beloved friends.
My phone works! Ultimately they had to just put in a new physical SIM card, after further downloads refused to load.
Ahhhh, I can do things like...make a transfer from one bank account to another again. Because that requires they text me a security code.
Anyway: Mischief Managed. Onerosity confronted and conquered.
I have downloaded the 5 Calls app, though I have not started yet. It is freaking fantastic. Thanks for sharing. I have a colonoscopy tomorrow (routine), so I'm just starting prep. Calls won't happen until Saturday at the earliest! Maybe they'll have their voicemail boxes cleared out by then...
Yay for migraine meds, too.
Basically, I'm just looking forward to eating again at about 5p tomorrow. I am going to treat myself, you bet.
DH just applied to a job that was so perfect for his skills... any and all job ~ma this way would be super appreciated.
(I mean, he's applying to a lot; this one is just really good.)
I am very tipsy, have eaten way too much, And I’m coming off the high of three days of meetings with a great team, having great conversations with my own leadership, and with my team back at home achieving great things. I’m a little giddy with it.
I also very nearly spent an obscene amount of money on a large box of tea because the polished wooden box it comes in is so freaking gorgeous I cannot even. I may be revisiting that decision tomorrow, even though I don’t even know how I’ll carry it home. (I was saved by them only having the display one in stock, which had some dings.) But I’m going to the flagship store tomorrow (Fortnum and Mason’s, so yeah) where I have every expectation I will not have that excuse. TBD
The other university in Cincinnati has had a program for several years to help historically underrepresented students in first-year STEM classes. Basically, they study those students (and "historically underrepresented" also includes backgrounds like JD Vance's), figure out what sorts of things would help them (lessons in study skills and organization, extra tutoring, better explanations of how all the things at college like office hours and student support centers and all of that work, extra review sessions before exams, etc.) and them make those things available to ALL students in those classes. They had been getting pretty good results. They just got notice that their funding was stopped. Not even a federal grant -- a private grant was canceled.