I'm back from dentists, but will be going back in an hour or so (why NOT come home to eat lunch?) for an Actual Extraction.
The exams, 180 degree xrays, and this amazing 3D mapping of my teeth came to $683, and the actual extraction will cost more.
Getting implants and stuff to bring mouth up to snuff down the line could cost up to $100K. Not kidding.
I'm not even going to look at the news, I think. I'm close enough to vomiting from nerves as it is.
Dental stuff is so stressful, Theo.
I’m back in SF, in line at Customs.
My back and legs do not like these long flights at all. Missing my posh baths in Japan.
Anyway, Cashmere, the event was so packed and so busy that I didn't get a chance to talk to the organizers. But I'll check this week to see if I can get you an email so you can talk to them.
Thanks, Teppy. I did some sleuthing and found the event online. I'll contact someone and see if I can't get some further details. I am so happy the event was successful. I know a lot of places here that would be pretty cool about doing similar here.
Thanks, Teppy. I did some sleuthing and found the event online. I'll contact someone and see if I can't get some further details.
You are awesome! Let me know if you need me to do some legwork here.
Glad you’ve made it home David, and with JZ’s blessing.
I don't need a full scale invasion, I just want to watch Musk dragged out of the country by Mounties.
Personally I'd prefer polar bears whose habitat is being destroyed by the extra heat from his data centers, but I'm not that picky about who does the dragging so long as it gets done.
Polar bears would be very satisfying
Sorry about everything dental, Theo. Healing soothing vibes.
Hooray for safe travels. David, that was a lovely dream.
Brenda, I look forward to hearing about Cymbeline.
I have never noticed the lack of lit exit signs and running lights before in my life.
Ha! You'll never see that in Chicago.
I was distracted from the shit show of our government (and it's parasites) for a few hours by an emergency trip to the vet this morning. Gilda is home and resting now, but it turns out the sudden onset of vestibular disease is pretty disconcerting. She was upset because she didn't know why the world was spinning and I didn't know what was wrong or how to help her. Her eyes were jittering from side to side, poor old girl. She got some fluids and anti-nausea meds and her eyes settled down so now she just walks like she's drunk. Even so, she's highly offended that I piled stuff in all the high perches she likes to sit in. I tried to take away the ramp to the bed but she just jumped up anyway, so the ramp is back. I'll have to pill her once a day for a while (2 weeks maybe) so I hope the pill pockets are a welcome treat. This could either fade away on it's own or be a sign of something unwelcome in her brain. Given that she's nearly 20yrs old I decided not to go down the latter diagnostic path.