We are on the phone with the world's weirdest insurance representative. Two weeks to the move, and everything is going to be insane.
I'm so sorry for everyone affected by the governmental job weirdness. Husband still keeps in touch with a former coworker from a national DOE lab, and things sound grim.
So while time is short, I am hoping to make the most of it.
Oh! It certainly sounds like you are doing so. Well done.
I went to the beach, and went swimming and stuff, since I have visitors.
Sounds pleasant, Laura.
Good luck, Dana.
Had a great lunch visit with newish friend, and we made plans to get together before we left so we wouldn't wait eight months again, ha! Plus, we met in a playwriting class and then ended up in the same acting class and totally hit it off, so we are going to be writing accountability partners.
brenda, your trip sounds fantastic! And with people you enjoy as well. I'm so glad you get some extra time there.
Otter cafe beats stroller owls
The beautiful thing is, they apparently coexist without strife
It's a wonderland of small predators! I don't know how I missed going to fox island while I was here.
The piglets were cute with their bristles and waggy tails and snoots and little trot.
I enjoyed the otters more, though, I have to say.
Had a great lunch visit with newish friend, and we made plans to get together before we left so we wouldn't wait eight months again, ha! Plus, we met in a playwriting class and then ended up in the same acting class and totally hit it off, so we are going to be writing accountability partners.
I love that for you! And sj's new lunch companion too. It's tricky making new friends as we get older.
Today's my last day in Japan, and I'm in no flurry or hurry to go do something I'm afraid I've missed. Rather I'm probably just going to go to my favorite places, and get some travel gifts out of the capsule toy machines.
Back in November I bought tix for a sketchfest event where Peaches Christ (local drag legend) would be interviewing Tim Curry live. Then belatedly realized I'd be in Japan for the event (which is tonight).
So then I thought, well I'll give the tickets to Nicole who's housesitting for me, as she's a gender-blurry gal in a drag king troupe who would appreciate that. But I couldn't find the tickets in my email or my phone, and didn't have time to deal with the box office before I left.
But just like magic I got a prompting email from Sketchfest that said, "Hey, your event is coming up. Here's your tickets!" And I was able to transfer them to her, and she's going tonight.
Hooray for Nicole getting to use your tickets!
yeah, that's pretty cool.
wish I could travel more.
That worked out nicely, then!
I’m glad the tickets worked out, Hec. Have a safe trip back tomorrow.
Brenda, I hope you enjoy the play. Cymbeline is one I haven’t seen live.
What are everyone else’s plans for the weekend?
Today I went to Detroit’s Eastern Market with my sister and BiL, where I discovered there’s a wine maker in Ypsilanti. I wonder if Aimee knows. Afterwards we went to the Detroit boat show where I saw a waterskiing squirrel. And a lot of boats. But the squirrel is what I’ll probably remember this time next week. Tomorrow I’m going to church with my sister, meeting up with the cat sitter to show her the setup, and then picking up a book for a new-to-me book group. It’s part my effort to meet people who aren’t related to me.
Newish friends! New book club! These are wonderful things that I need to do more of.
I am sat in the (very extremely nice) United club and trying not to eat or drink too much before my flight, where they will
be plying me with fine food and drink. (I’m having the cod.) Flight leaves at 9 PM so I’m hopeful I will actually manage to get some sleep (and I have a very mild gummy in my pocket to help that along).
Land at 11 head to my hotel, and figure out what to do from there. The Turner Prize finalists are on display at the Tate so that is a must, and right near the hotel. Or i may venture further out, depending.
Monday I’m on my own and then Tuesday it’s a full swing of meetings until Friday noon. My two presentations are Thursday so I’ll have time to prepare.
My boss wants to go to the Tate so i could do that with her Saturday. I honestly prefer some museums on my own but we’ll see.
It’s very nice to be off on an adventure!
What are everyone else’s plans for the weekend?
Today I tried on new running shoes at the nice store (Super Jock 'N Jill on Greenlake, for the localistas) and found a pair I liked, but I was looking for a dark color, which they didn't have in my size, so they're special ordering. Which is part of why they're such a nice store--they had me try on five different shoes in four different brands, go out and run back and forth on the sidewalk in them, and then sort of gently nudged me to think in terms of most comfortable shoe in the color I wanted even if I had to wait a week or so for it. Then I did altar guild setup and dropped off food bank donations at church. Tomorrow is the church's annual meeting, which means that as of ~noon my three-year term on the vestry will be over AT LAST.
Oh, and I'm going to do some writing and also look at how well I did on my personal goals in January and make plans for February. (Since my main New Year's resolution was to be better at restarting things whenever life derails me and I stop writing/running/etc.)