That sounds a little better, Suela.
Obviously the whole point of the back to work orders is to get people to quit without payoffs and and layoffs.
Something went awry with Matilda’s ESim
On her phone and it is making her so anxious trying to navigate a big city without her phone.
So we took special excursion via Metro to try to rectify it. But now we’re in a Starbucks near a visitor center just for the Wi-Fi (since our sim plans aren’t working ) and to take a pee.
Things conquered: getting money at 7-11, riding subway and making connection to get to Asakusa, seeing Karnarion gate and major outdoor shopping arcade filled with middle school kids roaming around after school in their uniforms and many women wearing beautiful kimonos (you can rent them here).
Things that conquered us: Suica cards, ESim set up, bouts of frustration and bickering.
But Matilda just bought a new plan and allegedly we can pick up the activation code at the visitor center two blocks away.
We were indeed able to get a new precious one-time only login code for an ESim account. And we're back at the hotel with a robust WiFi connection. So we're taking a pit stop then we're going to get ramen, just an 8 minute walk from the hotel.
Loving your travel report, Hec! Keep it coming!!
I think I would be anxious trying to navigate a new city without a phone, too! Because in this day and age, I would not have prepped myself with transit maps and best routes to get places and restaurants and, and, and like we had to do in the olden days.
Loving the vicarious travel! I hope you get tickets to the immersion installations you were talking about -- I watched the video. So cool.
I shipped out the box of (largely useless) files, etc. from the client that was giving me such agita last month, so a psychic weight is lifted. Ahhhhh.
It's 26 whole-ass degrees here today. Practically balmy!
It is a delight to see so many posts while I have been giving my eyes a break! Excuse any blatant typos as the world is still pretty bright.
The explanation for Elon's fascist display is that a person can be both autistic and a fucking Nazi.
Suela, you’ve been on my mind these past few days. So enraging. I don’t know who else around here (directly, immediately) impacted, besides possibly flea’s DH, but I’m really sorry for all this painful unnecessary and ultimately destructive bullshit you’re dealing with.
I can't say it better. Complete insanity
I am overjoyed at the Smay trip to Japan. DH has so many wonderful memories from his years there. I look forward to reading many update posts!! Yoki kokai wo!
Warm wishes for all the sub-zero folks. I found the plastic window stuff you tighten up with the hair dryer works pretty well for drafts. I think we are supposed to get into the 40s here, which means iguana drops, which is hysterical, but dangerous since people think they are dead.
Good news: the pituitary adenoma has shrunk. Benign neglect for the win!
Well done, body!
My business warehouse is now in an evacuation warning zone. We just told the folks working there to get the heck out.
I hope the predicted rain is the right balance of gentleness to be helpful and not harmful.
Sounds like your surgeries went well, Laura -- can't wait to hear how you like your new view once your eyeballs settle down.
So far so good with the eyeballs. I go again today to check the pressure and such. It has been almost every day! Generally the video switch has been changed from muted/sepia mode to vivid. I've had to turn down the brightness on the computer and phone. I was a big ball of nerves baby for the process itself, but all the subsequent testing is fine.
Yay new eyeballs Laura!! Boo snow and cold in Florida. Very “wolves at the NY library” in that movie whose name I forget.
David do note that you can download Google maps for offline viewing if needed/wanted! Can be very good for low data situations.
Yep, that's it. Watchable despite the beyond awful science.
I haven't actually seen it, but I remember seeing clips