meara, I briefly thought of forwarding you a Facebook post from someone I went to college with who's looking for somewhere to live in Seattle with roommates, "preferably queer... [with] a place to practice line dances." So probably... yes, there you are in her friend list.
I basically ignored all news or social media yesterday and it was absolutely the right move. I know I can't hide in the sand for 4 years, but for one day...
Good luck with all the Japanese tiddles, Hec!
Yay for Jen & DH being able to use their own indoor plumbing again!
Oh, I think I must have skimmed past this. Yay!
Hahaha Emily I didn’t know you were friends with her! I had already commented on her post, I hung out with her Sunday while she was checking out another friend of mine’s house as potential.
trying to hatch strategies that go beyond doomscrolling
I'm realizing that I need to get involved locally but I haven't figured out the how, where, doing what and with whom part of it.
meara, she was my RA my freshman year and a housemate my junior. It's weird to see her with hair, although I think she's had it for decades.
So that was a shitty day. Hiring freeze, which means that my empty spot with a senior planner whose skills I desperately need, will not be filled (and a very nice lady in San Diego who really wants to get out of the private sector is left hanging for some indeterminate time).
The fuckers FIRED THE COMMANDANT. Claiming it was because she had too much DEI but also because she hadn't fixed the recruitment problems (which she had improved a lot) and hadn't got all the new boats on board. It's such bullshit. I'm sure it's because she's the first female head of a military branch ever.
And the Return to Office order, which nobody knows how it will play out, and my team is freaking out because most of them live hundreds of miles away.
Oh, Consuela, I’m sorry. That is a lot of badness
Ugh so sorry Suela. That sounds super shitty. Good luck.
My father was trying to tell me my sister was overreacting by calling Elon’s salute what it was. I asked why the f he thought I’d agree with him and not her. Also she’s the one who feeds him so he might wanna keep his mouth shut.