So that was a shitty day. Hiring freeze, which means that my empty spot with a senior planner whose skills I desperately need, will not be filled (and a very nice lady in San Diego who really wants to get out of the private sector is left hanging for some indeterminate time).
The fuckers FIRED THE COMMANDANT. Claiming it was because she had too much DEI but also because she hadn't fixed the recruitment problems (which she had improved a lot) and hadn't got all the new boats on board. It's such bullshit. I'm sure it's because she's the first female head of a military branch ever.
And the Return to Office order, which nobody knows how it will play out, and my team is freaking out because most of them live hundreds of miles away.
Oh, Consuela, I’m sorry. That is a lot of badness
Ugh so sorry Suela. That sounds super shitty. Good luck.
My father was trying to tell me my sister was overreacting by calling Elon’s salute what it was. I asked why the f he thought I’d agree with him and not her. Also she’s the one who feeds him so he might wanna keep his mouth shut.
I'm sorry Consuela this all is horrible.
Oh man meara.
I see that "he's autistic" is somehow being used as an excuse for him being a Nazi. Which I don't understand why that would be an excuse but any straws to grasp at rather than admit what he is .
Which I don't understand why that would be an excuse
I think the flimsy excuse goes "he's autistic and therefore clueless about how to express emotions; he was just raising his arm in excitement, not making a Nazi salute." Which is 100% bullshit. Autistic people know what a Nazi salute is. The explanation for Elon's fascist display is that a person can be both autistic and a fucking Nazi.
Plus, he did it twice, making it a whole lot less likely he did it by accident.
Plus, you know, this.
Weren't his grandparents Nazis? I guess those are the traditional values he wants a return to.
I’m sure the OPM folks I work with are freaking about the return to work bullshit. They are all over the country working from home!
I would hope the people who aren't physically close to the office would fall under the "exemptions deemed necessary," but that would be logical, and logic won't be driving the train for about another 1,458 days.