Yay benign. And for planning the Tokyo trip.
I'm tired.
Penny went back to the vet yesterday and her UTi is gone . They suggested monthly shots for her arthritis but I'm holding off until her thyroid levels are retested. She seems to be doing well with the gabapentin and if she needs thyroid medication I need to focus on that.
M actually took her to the vet, he took me to work and then picked me up. We went to dinner after and then the pet store for the litter we switched to. We saw super cute guinea pigs. And a very inquisitive ferret (the others were asleep).
Oh reminds me - colonoscopy done and clean. A few benign polyps removed, come back in three years.
he leaned hard on getting a tankless but staying with gas,
I think this is what I will do for my dead water heater.
Yay benign!
Excellent news on the colonoscopy.
Good news, msbelle!!
Phew, brenda.
I'm excited for your trip, David.
Yay benign and clean!
Woo-ho impending travels!
My department let everyone go to their three-day weekend a couple of hours early, which isn’t as enormous a joy, but still pretty happy-making. Also, my landlords finally dealt with the dish washer that’s been broken since I moved in nearly two months ago by putting in a shiny new one. So I’m ignoring all the political bs and going into the weekend feeling pretty pleased with life.