Early: You folks are all insane. Simon: Well, my sister's a ship. We had a complicated childhood.

'Objects In Space'

Natter 78: I might need to watch some Buffy for inspiration

Off-topic discussion. Wanna talk about corsets, duct tape, butt kicking, or physics? This is the place. Detailed discussion of any current-season TV must be whitefonted.

Gudanov - Oct 16, 2024 11:12:29 am PDT #2965 of 3002
Coding and Sleeping

It has warmed up here enough that I can open the window. It's really nice to have the window open.

meara - Oct 16, 2024 11:44:11 am PDT #2966 of 3002

Im excited that just as our weather is finally turning to typical Seattle, I am flying to the east coast for a week, where it will be 80 degrees on one of the days I’m there (?!?). No idea what to pack. Lows of 45 and highs of 80? I’ll be dancing, and working, and maybe running, and sitting watching soccer which if it’s in the sun could be boiling? But after sun sets, v cold?

DavidS - Oct 16, 2024 11:49:38 am PDT #2967 of 3002
"Look, son, if it's good enough for Shirley Bassey, it's good enough for you."

I've been stressed and depressed lately, and that has manifested (in part) with me not exercising.

Going back to 2019 when I focused on losing weight to deal with my sciatica, I was running as often as 6 days a week, and kept it at 4 or 5 days a week through the pandemic and Jacqueline's illness (where running was a refuge).

Since last year though it's slowed down to 3 or 4 days a week, and after this summer 1 or 2 days a week, and I hadn't run at all for several weeks recently.

And not only have I put weight back on, but I'm getting early symptoms of the sciatica again.

When EM was here the other day we talked about that dynamic of waking up, ready and resolute to exercise and then...not. You start scrolling or getting sucked into videos or whatnot and you piss away your window.

So this morning, I woke up and was resolute....and then started all the bad habits, so I forced myself out of bed and out the door by 9:30 and got my run in.

Also, I did an Accountable Text to EM and she responded that she had gotten up that morning to do her walk.

So I'm here to say it's helpful to have an exercise buddy, someone you are accountable to that motivates you to get moving.

And I encourage everybody to get up and move their body today, in whatever way they prefer. Get some steps in. Get on the bike. Go swimming. Just go for a walk.

Laura - Oct 16, 2024 1:01:49 pm PDT #2968 of 3002
Our wings are not tired.

Yay for heat and exercise!

It has been in the mid 30s here every night. Supposed to warm up this weekend some. We had actual big fat snowflakes in the air a couple days ago, which was pretty. They didn't even make it to the ground.

Brendon is back in Florida. We headed out to the Albany airport at 2:30 AM on Tuesday and there was apparently a deer convention or something. We saw no fewer than 40 deer in the first 10 miles. Groups of 3 and 4 or some individuals. It was wild. I always call out the deer to the driver for caution, but we gave up and just went with assuming there were deer. Fortunately, none of them decided to jump out in front of us. In her many decades up here my sister has hit a deer 3 times. The last one the deer jumped off a snow bank on to the top of her car. She was quite annoyed.

Today I am trying to organize my new kitchen cabinets. During construction all my kitchen stuff has been moved around many times. And now it is everywhere. No rhyme nor reason. Cleaning supplies, toaster, and wine glasses might be in the same cabinet. Pulling everything out and putting it in some kind of logical order is a process.

On my list tomorrow is going to storage and hauling out a couple area rugs. My walls and roof are insulated, but the floor is not and it is chilly, making the furnace work a lot harder than it should.

Gudanov - Oct 16, 2024 2:23:47 pm PDT #2969 of 3002
Coding and Sleeping

There are so many things on my list of stuff to do. I need to vacuum, like everything, clean up the basement that our dog Jarah redecorated with the contents of a garbage bag, clean the bathrooms, put up a shelf in the bedroom for my wife, finish staining and putting together a shelf unit for the kitchen, make some bookshelves for my wife's office, rotate the tires on my wife's car, recycle a bunch of cans and cardboard from the garage, put up a ceiling fan in the basement, mow the yard for the last time this year, go through boxes in the garage and throw way stuff, I've got at least three loads of laundry I need to do, and I really should wax the cars for that matter.

Steph L. - Oct 16, 2024 2:29:23 pm PDT #2970 of 3002
the hardest to learn / was the least complicated

Gud, your list makes me tired! Though I did clean the bathroom, washed the dishes, and washed a load of towels. And, per David's post, rode the bike for a bit. And dinner will probably be shepherds pie, which I need to assemble and put in the oven.

DavidS - Oct 16, 2024 2:30:49 pm PDT #2971 of 3002
"Look, son, if it's good enough for Shirley Bassey, it's good enough for you."

and I really should wax the cars for that matter.

No you don't! That's not a priority. And why can't you just drop the car off at the shop to have the tires rotated? That's not that expensive, and it would give you a break.

Just because you can do it yourself, doesn't mean you should. Especially since your wife has never done even a small portion of the necessary housework while remaining brutally critical about your efforts.

Don't worry about waxing the car. Take it in to have somebody else rotate the tires. I bet you can fit that into your budget.

meara - Oct 16, 2024 4:23:39 pm PDT #2972 of 3002

I just got three vaccines, I am not looking forward to tomorrow! But I was glad to be able to add on the Covid and flu ones to my appointment (the other was Hep B).

I did laundry already but I need to figure out what to pack. The weather is anywhere from 45 to 80 apparently? So I guess “layers”.

David I too have been slacking on the running. I’ve been doing other things (walking a lot, dancing, working out with a trainer once or twice a week) but need to get back on the treadmill. It’s just depressing how I was able to run 25 minutes straight at one point and now I’m pretty sure I can’t.

Tom Scola - Oct 16, 2024 4:48:49 pm PDT #2973 of 3002
Mr. Scola’s wardrobe by Botany 500

And I encourage everybody to get up and move their body today, in whatever way they prefer.

Just rowed for 25 minutes.

erikaj - Oct 16, 2024 4:48:53 pm PDT #2974 of 3002
I'm a fucking amazing catch!--Fiona Gallagher, Shameless(US)

I finally closed my twitter account...speaking of things that there never seemed to be good time to do. I enjoyed it often, and I'll miss some of the interactions(aside from not wanting to be driven away from stuff) but it hasn't been the same for a while anyway. Wish that meant I'd have something great to do with the time, too(The next 2 weeks could be nuts, though)