Not turn on at all, Gud. When I turn it back on (or hit the reset button) it tries to cycle on and shuts off.
I didn't want to call the plumber I used before, since I had to hold off on paying off the bill a month late until I had money out of my retirement account (long story). So I'm going to have to throw myself on their mercy and see if they agree to come look at it.
Hmm... trying to cycle on and shutting off sounds like it could maybe indicate a dirty flame sensor (if this is a gas furnace that is). This video has a bit on how to clean it if you want to give it a try. I've had to do it a couple times to get a furnace working again. [link]
It is surprisingly easy to do.
That's fairly straightforward looking -- I'm just terrified that I might not be able to put the part back in, or else grab the wrong part.
At any rate, the plumbing company scheduler doesn't seem to have known of my Bad Reputation, and has a guy coming tomorrow between 7 and 8.
Sending warmth~ma your way, Theodosia.
Hey, malfunctioning furnace twins with Theo! Yay?
Tech is coming at 3p. Ours turns on then immediately shuts down.
It's not too cold out yet, so not a huge problem, except the water, of course. Glad I showered last night before going out to dinner. And that I work from home, ha!
If only I could work from home, but that's not going to happen.
BUT, the plumber is the same guy from last time, so he's been into the innards of the furnace before, and has now ID'd the problem with the internal fuses, so he's gone out to fetch some new ones. In the meantime, the house is heating up. If I knew he was going to be a little while longer to get back, I'd take a quick shower.
cereal: Furnace twins for the win, JenP.
Today in my corner of Texas, the high is going to be 69 degrees, not 90. This is very exciting.
Furnace twins for the win, JenP.
Dana - why, that's almost Richmond weather!
Good luck with the furnace fixes!
I had to turn my heat on this morning, it was 43°F out when I woke up. The cats are now covering the floor vent in my office, so everything seems to be working as intended.