Mal: Then I call it a win. What's the problem? Inara: Should I start with the part where you're stranded in the middle of nowhere, or the part where you have no clothes?


Natter 78: I might need to watch some Buffy for inspiration

Off-topic discussion. Wanna talk about corsets, duct tape, butt kicking, or physics? This is the place. Detailed discussion of any current-season TV must be whitefonted.

DebetEsse - May 09, 2024 3:05:38 pm PDT #268 of 2664
Woe to the fucking wicked.

I ate 4 dates a day for the last month of each of my pregnancies.

It may take until the boys are in their teens before I am not over dates

meara - May 09, 2024 3:57:43 pm PDT #269 of 2664

But WHY Debet? For a whole month? What does it do? Or were you just weirdly craving?

Y’all I am back on the higher dose of this GLP1 and it is amazing. No more “oooh put food in your mouth you want food you’re not hungry but foooooood”. I would skip the whole “takes away your appetite” part of it in favor of just the losing cravings and food noise bit. Sigh.

Laura - May 09, 2024 4:07:51 pm PDT #270 of 2664
Our wings are not tired.

Awww, Hec, that is just beautiful. I'm so happy that Matilda had this great experience.

A restaurant near me used to have DUCK FAT FRIED DATES with labne on their menu.

My mom used to make a stuffed dates with walnuts dessert thing that she was so proud of that we would bring to school bake sales. I couldn't stand them, but I would give the duck fat fried dates with labne a try!

NoiseDesign - May 09, 2024 4:39:18 pm PDT #271 of 2664
Our wings are not tired

Oh yes. I will be hugging. (Just don't make it weird.)

But, but, that's kinda my whole thing!

Sheryl - May 09, 2024 4:48:57 pm PDT #272 of 2664
Fandom means never having to say "But where would I wear that?"

Timelies all!

Life with Mr. S continues to be...interesting. In the last few weeks he's been having meltdowns at school and not wanting to leave with the nanny. Which has led to Gary have to leave his office early to pick him up. Mr. S has also been saying he wants a new nanny. Gary made the mistake of telling him on Tuesday we would look into finding a new nanny. Which was then relayed to the nanny as "My parents are firing you today". Needless to say, Gary was unhappy when he got home, to the point of yelling at Mr. S, then deciding to take himself to the crisis center. Leaving me to deal with not-so-small boy by myself. Things were ok for a while, then after dinner he got upset because his favorite stuffed animal was in Gary's car, tried to call Gary's cell(it kept going to voicemail) then ran upstairs and called 911.

When the police arrived, he took a swing at them and declared that he wanted to go to the hospital. I was not in favor of this and told the police so. They were basically doing good cop/bad cop, which didn't help matters. Eventually Gary got home and calmed Mr. S down. Ugh...

Consuela - May 09, 2024 4:54:47 pm PDT #273 of 2664
We are Buffistas. This isn't our first apocalypse. -- Pix

That's an awesome coach. So glad Matilda had him, sounds like he's a gem.

The pup is now sneaking her poops. She only goes when I'm not watching her. WTF.

Today I have to remember that I love my job because I do not think people understand when they say, "You know that project you reviewed two years ago and said it was good? Well now we want to add seventeen things to it, can we do it next month?" -- well, that means I throw away my calendar and spend four hours researching the project site and the permit requirements and it just effing pisses me off. Argh.

Steph L. - May 09, 2024 5:10:28 pm PDT #274 of 2664
the hardest to learn / was the least complicated

Y’all I am back on the higher dose of this GLP1 and it is amazing.

I have a checkup with Awesome Doctor next week, and I'm pretty damn sure he's going to start me on a GLP-1. Which is fine -- I gained long Covid and stress weight and it sure is stubbornly hanging on, so I could use some help with it.

just the losing cravings and food noise bit.

Not gonna lie, that...would be amazing.

Oh yes. I will be hugging. (Just don't make it weird.)

But, but, that's kinda my whole thing!

Only kinda?

JenP - May 09, 2024 5:11:54 pm PDT #275 of 2664

Yeah, meara, it's weird. It started the sub-therapeutic dose and it worked better than the next step up, which I'm on now, which I find really weird, except I guess it was brand new to my system for the month at sub-t, and now I'm adjusting, so... we need to dose higher. My doc is going super slowly since I have such a screwy history.

Jesse - May 09, 2024 6:07:39 pm PDT #276 of 2664
Sometimes I trip on how happy we could be.

At my last physical, I told my NP I want to lose some weight, and she was basically like, "I don't give a shit about that number." Because my other numbers are good. She told me to eat some protein and/or fiber with carbs, and basically carry on. OK then.

Which I appreciate on principle, but I would like to look different in my clothes!

DebetEsse - May 09, 2024 6:22:36 pm PDT #277 of 2664
Woe to the fucking wicked.

Meara, they're shown to help with "cervical ripening" and shorten labor. Given how short my labors were, I can't really argue.