This is what comes of living into your sixties, I suppose.
Ugh. That is a lot of loss. At 70 quite a few of my generation are gone. That was a big thing with my mother. She was in her 90s when the last of her lifelong friends passed and she said the hardest part was not having anyone who remembered the things she remembered.
I’m on the way home from Colorado. My poor throat still feels raw. When I get home, I plan to drink some tea and nap until 2025.
Great trip, though. It was fantastic to see my college roommates and my brother and SiL.
Yay for great trip, Steph!
Oof, that is a lot, Hec.
Jess, I'm glad that was only a dream. That would, indeed, suck.
My poor pup! She has seasonal allergies, and they have been really bad lately... I thought she had gotten her allergy shot two weeks ago when she was in for a med dose titration test, but I misread the line item. She hasn't gotten it since 7/31! Poor noodle. Two extra weeks of unnecessary itching. Bad dog person, I am. Also got her distemper vax while I was there, in keeping with our general vax theme here.
All the vaxes. Skinner got his Lyme and kennel cough a couple days ago. The vet tech told me the best way to keep the dog's nails trimmed. He takes his to the tennis court and tosses balls frequently and running on the hard surface keeps the nails trimmed.
Honestly? When I was young and kind of outside, imagining the Working World and all? I never thought it would be so much like a feuding family trying to paper over its flaws for the public.
We're safely tucked into our hotel in Pasadena.
The lobby has a Foosball table! Woot!
Matilda and I are about to go out to dinner.
College tours tomorrow.
I am so sick. I really think I’ll need to see the doctor tomorrow. For now I’m hoping 12 hours of sleep in my own bed will help somewhat.
Feel better, Steph!
Several of my students were clearly sick in class today, and one of my colleagues was out for the past week with Covid.