The Bay City Rollers, now that's music.

Giles ,'Sleeper'

Natter 78: I might need to watch some Buffy for inspiration

Off-topic discussion. Wanna talk about corsets, duct tape, butt kicking, or physics? This is the place. Detailed discussion of any current-season TV must be whitefonted.

Laura - Aug 07, 2024 10:22:20 am PDT #1993 of 2662
Our wings are not tired.

Oh dear, healing ~ma to your mom, Matt.

askye - Aug 07, 2024 10:40:47 am PDT #1994 of 2662
Thrive to spite them

Lots of healing ~ma to your Mom Matt.

The only things I've heard about Walz is be had a drunk driving arrest in the 90s which led to him getting sober and some of the men who served under him didn't like how he left the National Guard to run for office.

Laura - Aug 07, 2024 10:48:49 am PDT #1995 of 2662
Our wings are not tired.

Because 24 years in the Guard isn't enough! They just have to find something to complain about.

-t - Aug 07, 2024 11:24:33 am PDT #1996 of 2662
I am a woman of various inclinations and only some of the time are they to burn everything down in frustration

Academically this meal pattern is known as "core, fringe, legume" and is the most common meal pattern worldwide!

Definitely going to have to tell my dad this!

The trick, of course, is to keep the reminders up to date and not ignore them.

This is my problem. I only take the one daily pill and if I miss it occasionally it's not terrible, but I am bad about ignoring the notification that it's time to take it. Basically, if I don't take it as soon as I wake up, I probably won't, so I set the reminder for a little after I plan to wake up, but if I wake up early or late that doesn't work out well and noticing the reminder is still there at lunch time when I am in the office and the meds are at home really does not help. Time is just generally a problem for me.

I'm glad they figured out what the fracture is, Matt.

JenP - Aug 07, 2024 12:50:29 pm PDT #1997 of 2662

Morning meds, I'm good. Evening meds are a little trickier as I have to take one of the pills with food for it to be effective, but who knows where I'll be eating (or when, honestly). I usually miss evening meds at least once a week. But nothing is make or break for a single miss for me, so I'm fortunate there.

My various vitamins, I keep at my desk, because some of them get gross in the not actually airtight pill containers.

-t - Aug 07, 2024 3:29:16 pm PDT #1998 of 2662
I am a woman of various inclinations and only some of the time are they to burn everything down in frustration

I just composed an email where I avoided ending a sentence with a preposition so my meaning would be clearer and now I feel pretentious

Sheryl - Aug 07, 2024 3:38:54 pm PDT #1999 of 2662
Fandom means never having to say "But where would I wear that?"

Timelies all!

For prescription meds, I have a 7-day pill box. Every night before getting ready for bed I take my evening and morning meds out of the safe(we put Mr.S's meds and my meds in a safe so he can't get at them) and put them in the pillbox.

askye - Aug 07, 2024 3:58:16 pm PDT #2000 of 2662
Thrive to spite them

There is AC in our bedroom. I was over thinking things but anyway M's cousin came over and switched everything out so it was done by the time I got home. M's mom had dinner done, I got M to eat a little. He's depressed, he seems depressed. I want to make it better but I know I can't make it go away so I can just be there for him.

Tonight we sleep in our bed! We just have to set up some pillows to prop his foot up on.

Beverly - Aug 08, 2024 2:27:46 am PDT #2001 of 2662
Days shrink and grow cold, sunlight through leaves is my song. Winter is long.

DH uses a partitioned week's worth of pills inna box. Or a bar. A long skinny plastic partitioned pillbox. It works for him. I have my morning pills near my chair where I spend most mornings having breakfast and tea. I dole them out into my sake cup I've had for literal decades. My evening meds are in the bathroom, so when I've taken the morning ones I take the cup and put the evening meds in it. Useful little vessel, it used to hold paperclips on my desk. The staple puller was in a slightly taller sake cup.

We have a rice cooker, which I love. We do enough for two meals at a time and fridge the second portion. I keep chopped frozen broccoli on hand, and also canned or pouches of tuna and chicken. Rice, add tuna and frozen peas and carrots or chicken and chopped broccoli, and cheese: dinner. I use either rice or spaghetti or Chinese noodles, drain and brown chicken with ginger, onion, garlic, black pepper and paprika, add broth, stir in rice or noodles. Protein, carbs, token veg.

Calli - Aug 08, 2024 3:51:37 am PDT #2002 of 2662
I must obey the inscrutable exhortations of my soul—Calvin and Hobbs

The most time sensitive meds I’m in charge of are for one of my cats. Leifur gets some stuff smeared on his ears twice a day to help with his thyroid problem. I was on top of the nighttime one, but kept forgetting the morning dose. So I started taking two of the gloves I use to apply it just before bedtime, and draping one over my computerized picture frame (it feeds hundreds of photos from family albums at 30 second intervals—I love it). I get up, have my coffee, look at the glove obscuring the photos of my grandnibblings, get annoyed, and give Leifur his morning dose. It’s been pretty effective.