And what's the fun in becoming an immortal demon if you're not regular, am I right?

The Mayor ,'End of Days'

Natter 78: I might need to watch some Buffy for inspiration

Off-topic discussion. Wanna talk about corsets, duct tape, butt kicking, or physics? This is the place. Detailed discussion of any current-season TV must be whitefonted.

meara - Aug 06, 2024 10:10:40 am PDT #1973 of 2659

Yay not cancer, yay vacation, yay shingles resolving!!

I am trying to watch the USWNT while also being in work meetings, I have my iPad set up and showing the game

Steph L. - Aug 06, 2024 10:11:29 am PDT #1974 of 2659
the hardest to learn / was the least complicated

Toenails = creepy odd things.

Covid test was negative, so it's just nonspecified ick.

Also, I discovered last night that Yasso Greek yogurt bars are really good and only 100-150 calories (depending on which one you get). They may be my new summer go-to when I have a sweet tooth.

Laura - Aug 06, 2024 10:34:11 am PDT #1975 of 2659
Our wings are not tired.

Woo! The Democrats have again not fucked this up!

Seriously! An encouraging sign for me was my son's reaction. I NEVER talk politics with him because of battles we had when he was a fierce BernieBro. I knew he couldn't stand either Trump or Biden. (of course, he knows where I stand) Anyway, out of nowhere when we were discussing work stuff, he says that he can't wait to see Walz wipe the floor with Vance in a debate. Then he says guy is awesome. What!?! That to me is a good sign.

For me it is more like your favorite uncle vs your idiot cousin. Well done, Kamala.

Yay not cancer, yay vacation, yay shingles resolving!!

All of that!

askye - Aug 06, 2024 11:10:20 am PDT #1976 of 2659
Thrive to spite them

Well with all my feelings of I'm getting on top of things I realized I forgot to take my medicine. I think out of the past 5 days I've only remembered 3 or maybe 2. Having the pill case filled for the week helped so I need to get that filled. Also need to still clean out litter boxes.

dcp - Aug 06, 2024 11:18:06 am PDT #1977 of 2659
"I yam what I yam and that's all what I yam," -- Popeye

I forgot to take my medicine.

I'll mention again, I have installed an app on my phone that I have found to be really helpful in preventing this.


smonster - Aug 06, 2024 2:31:06 pm PDT #1978 of 2659
We won’t stop until everyone is gay.

Askye, if you have an iphone, you can set up medication reminders without any additional apps.

he says that he can't wait to see Walz wipe the floor with Vance in a debate. Then he says guy is awesome. What!?! That to me is a good sign.

Apparently the kids dig him. Glad they went with someone who will help get out the younger voters.

Pix, glad (not goad) things are easing for you. I wish you a peaceful vacation and a condo buyer ASAP.

Dana - Aug 06, 2024 2:46:26 pm PDT #1979 of 2659
"I'm useless alone." // "We're all useless alone. It's a good thing you're not alone."

Yeah, I have morning and evening reminders at this point because a couple of the meds will mess me up if I miss taking them.

askye - Aug 06, 2024 2:59:08 pm PDT #1980 of 2659
Thrive to spite them

Technically my first alarm should be my med reminder, but I keep turning it off or sleeping through it. And then my For Real Get Up Alarm should be when I just get up and take it but I haven't done that either. I need a dedicated alarm of Take Your Meds Seriously!

I also need to adjust my For Real Get Up Alarm because school starts there will be more traffic.

I realized I left a step off of M's Bandage should be hemostat, non stick, gauze pad, gauze wrap, then tape. So I can see some seepage through (he also hasn't kept his foot up as much today but he's been more awake and I can't really blame him). It may have to be changed again.

Dinner has been made and eaten! We have leftovers from lunch, leftovers from dinner (maybe), leftovers cooked chicken. We just need some fresh veggies and we are good for some easy meals. I made a kind of dirty rice inspired dish and honestly I may make it the veggie and meat part and freeze it to take to work lunches and just pick up microwave rice packets to go with it. (so I don't have to cook rice again). grab that, a little side of cheese, and then some rice.

Honestly the combo if rice + protein + cheese and I'm happy. Yesterday I mixed a tuna packet with half a microwave rice packet, some salsa, and grated cheese and it was yummy.

Right now I'm watching the replay of the Women's Skateboard Park Prelim Heats. After the ParaOlympcis I'm dumping Peacock but I'm glad I have it to watch all this cool stuff- I've also watched Kayak Cross (need to catch up on it) Skateboarding, BMX Freestyle, and some swimming , Hammer Throw prelims (no announcers on that so that was odd) . The youngest Olympic athlete is a skateboarder-- Zheng Haohao of China-she's 11!! Although there seems to be that weird age gap where the female athletes are much younger than their male counterparts, not sure why.

Steph L. - Aug 06, 2024 3:01:07 pm PDT #1981 of 2659
the hardest to learn / was the least complicated

Honestly the combo if rice + protein + cheese and I'm happy.

We refer to this as "stuff in a bowl" and it's awesome.

Tonight's dinner is going to be a giant salad with chicken or seafood, because it is fucking HOT.

JenP - Aug 06, 2024 3:07:06 pm PDT #1982 of 2659

I was craving the burger and fries at a local haunt, so that's where we went for din-din.